Chapter Twelve: Knights After Knights (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

The Rangers were all in the base, with Ivan, who was looking around in curiosity

"The transmuter will find the power of your Gold Energem, so that I can create Dino Chargers." Kendall told Ivan, she hands the Gold Ranger his Energem back.

"Now the Dino Charger will power your Morpher, or your Gold Ptera Saber." Riley said, he grabs Ptera Charger from Ivan and placed it into the Gold Ptera Saber.
"Ptera Charger! Engage!"

"Truly magical." Ivan said, he grabs his Gold Ptera Saber.

"Now over here are the crystal beds, bring your Energem." Kendall told Ivan, they went towards it. "Riley, Chase and Kyle will show you another way we use it."

Tyler was writing on his journal. "Dad, I wanted so much for that to be you escaping fury." He wrote into his journal.

"You misspelt surprised." Shelby told Tyler startling him.

"Hey that's not cool." Tyler said, he quickly put his journal aside. Koda picks up the journal.

"Well, you haven't said much since Ivan arrived." Shelby said.

"Yeah, you were pretty quiet for a while." Aaron said nodding.

"We know you hoping for your father." Koda said. Both him and Zuzu were looking at Tyler's dad's journal.

"But you saw what Ivan can do." Shelby said. "He's gonna make our team stronger."

"Find Energems faster." Koda said.

"Defeat monster quicker." Zuzu said.

"Than we're gonna find out what happened to your dad." Shelby said.

"We work together as a team." Aaron said.

"You're right, thanks." Tyler thanked them.

Chase, Riley and Kyle were showing Ivan the crystal beds.

"This is where your Energem rest." Riley said, he placed the Dino Chargers into the charging stations.
"So it can power your Dino Chargers." Chase explained.

"Fascinating." Ivan said, he grabs his Energem and it returned back to the crystal bed. "Wizard's work." He said amazed.

Kendall chuckled.

"Yeah, it does that." Kyle said.

Ivan grabs his Energem. "Well, it was a thoroughly entertaining afternoon, perhaps we'll see each other again soon." He bowed and start making his way towards the exit.

"Wait, woah, woah, woah, where are you going you're a part of our team now." Riley said.

"I have not join your team." Ivan said. "I'm a knight of Zandar, when I pledge my loyalty it is for life." He explained. "I'm sorry, I cannot make such decision so hastily." He apologized and leaves.

"Wait, what? Decision? He, he doesn't have a choice, he is the Gold Ranger." Shelby said.

Kendall shrugged, while the others were ot sure on what to say.

"Well, he is a knight from the past." Kyle said. "Whether he's a Ranger or not, he's still a knight."

The alarm went off, everyone hurried towards the screen.

"Alien bio-signs in the boat docks." Kendall informed.

"We'll have to worry about Ivan later. Let's go!" Tyler said.

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