Chapter Five: Breaking Black (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Dino Café]

Inside of the Dino Café, the Rangers were all currently working.
Tyler and Aaron are at the counter.
Koda and Zuzu are moving the heavy ingredients.
Riley is washing the dishes.
Chase is working on the grill.
And Shelby is waitressing.

Chase was not paying attention to the grill, as he was looking on his phone.

Shelby walks into the kitchen, she starts putting the burgers together. "Ugh! Chase, can't you finish anything?" She questioned, grabbing the tray and walking out.

Chase, who was unaware of the missing burgers, squirts mayonnaise on the table.

"Nine and ten, have a good one." Tyler told the customer handing them their change.
"Thank you, and come again." Aaron said.

"Thank you." The customer said grabbing their change and leaving.

Shelby placed the tray oof burgers on a table. "Here's your order." She told the customers, and begin making her way towards another table. "I'm Shelby, can I take your-" She took out her notebook and stops when she look up. "Chase? Aren't you manning the grill?" She said seeing the Black Ranger there.

"The grill?" Chase said, he looks back at the girl customer. Before his eyes widened in realization. "The grill!" He exclaimed, standing and looking back at the kitchen area where smokes could be seen.

"I'm so sorry! Sorry!" Chase apologized as he rushed towards the kitchen.

"I'll get the fire extinguisher!" Tyler said and runs out.

"Hurry!" Aaron told Tyler.

After the whole fire incident has been dealt with, and the Dino Café is now closed.

The Rangers including Kendall were all surrounding a table, with Chase sitting on the other side.

"Come on, one little fire." Chase said.

"That could've burned down the entire museum." Kendall said.

"And expose our base." Shelby said.
"Which we do not want to have revealed." Aaron stated.

"Okay, I get it." Chase said standing up. "I promise to pay more attention to- Moana!" He stops and says the person's name when he saw her.

Everyone looked behind to see Moana.

"Who's that?" Shelby asked.

"How are you? It's been a long time." Chase said. He went towards Moana and hugged her in greeting.

"Chase, I need your help." Moana told him. She brought him towards the side to talk to him.

"What is it?" Chase asked.

"I've had a vision." Moana told him. "And someone is going to steal from me. Something of great value."

The Rangers were all looking at the two.

"Moana's a Matakite: a boarding fortune teller from New Zealand." Chase told the others.

"Yup, that checks out." Aaron said nodding. He never really had his fortune told, it was mostly his dad who's interested in that sort of stuff.

"I need you to guard my shop!" Moana told him.

"Really? Chase is gonna guard it?" Shelby asked.

"I hope you have a fire extinguisher." Kendall said.

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