Chapter Fifteen: Rise of a Ranger (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Inside]

Today in the Museum, all of the Rangers and some others were inside watching a performance from visitors from New Zealand. One of the performers is Chase's sister.

As the performance came to an end, everyone in the audience applaud.

Chase gave his sister thumbs-ups.

"Thank you to our visitors from New Zealand for their wonderful performance of Kapahaka, the traditional Maori dance." Kendall said.

The Rangers all stood as they applaud.


[Amber Beach - Somewhere]

Somewhere in Amber Beach, Ivan had ran into Fury. Chase was looking forward to spending some time with his sister while she was still in Amber Beach, but had to left as a Ranger's duty never ends.

The Rangers arrived at the area where Ivan was fighting against Fury.

"Ivan, we got you covered!" Tyler said, they all stood beside him.

"Thank you, my faithful friends! Let's finish this once and for all!" Ivan said, he stood back up.

"Vivix! Rise!" Fury ordered and Vivix appeared. "Attack!"

The Rangers begin fighting the Vivix, but suddenly a robot appeared.

"Attack Vivix." The robot said

"What is that thing?" Tyler asked seeing the robot.

"is that a... robot?" Aaron asked confused.

"Maybe it lost?" Zuzu suggested.

"It trying to help us." Koda said, he saw the robot knocking a Vivix down.

The robot suddenly falls on Riley, causing them both to fall.

"Well, it's not doing a very good job, is it?" Riley said.

"Leave it, and get Fury. You too, Shelby!" Tyler said.

Tyler, Koda and Shelby begin fighting against Fury.

"Vivix! Get that robot!" Fury ordered.

The robot struggles to go up against all of the Vivix, it fell on its back.

"I can't fight all nine of you! Vivix! Attack!" Fury ordered, he went around a wall and hid there. "I must not fail Sledge again, I need another plan." He said.

The Rangers fought against the Vivix and defeated them.

"Fury's gone!" Tyler said.

"Uh, I gotta get back, I can't disappoint Chloe." Chase informed.

"It okay, Chase." Koda told him while nodding.

"Go. We know how important it is for the two of you." Kyle told him.

Chase left the area, and the rest of the Rangers de-morphed.

"Error. Error. Error." The robot kept repeating as it kept walking into a wall.

"What's with this thing?" Shelby asked.

"Where did it come from?" Riley asked.

"Prince Phillip?" Tyler asked.

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