Chapter Six: The Tooth Hurts (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Dino Café]

The Rangers were all currently working. Both Shelby and Aaron were handing out free samples of cakes, while the others were discussing where to look for the missing Energems.

"Free samples. Chef's trying a new recipe." Shelby told the others, placing a tray of the free samples onto the table.

"Who would've thought. Free cake." Aaron said standing next to Shelby.

"Awesome." Tyler said, he grabs a piece of cake and was about to take a bite. That is, until Riley slaps the cake off. "Hmm, a bit tasteless." He said looking at Riley.

"Nobody touch it." Riley said, he stood.

"Huh? No cake?" Koda asked, he was about to take a bite.

"What is wrong?" Zuzu asked. He had the entire cake sample on his fork.

"Chill bro, a little cake never hurt anyone." Chase said.

"Yeah, tell that to them." Riley said. He points towards the customers, seeing the, holding their teeth.

Laughter could be heard behind the counter.

"Hey!" Chase said, as he spotted the monster: Cavity. The other Rangers saw the monster.

"Uh oh." Cavity said upon being spotted, he ran away.

"You guys take the front. We'll go through the kitchen!" Tyler said. Him, Koda, Zuzu, Shelby and Aaron went towards the kitchen. While Chase and Riley went out.

[Kitchen Area]

Going into the kitchen area, Tyler and the others saw the chef tied-up.

"Help him!" Tyler said, and they all starts helping the chef. He took out his Dino-comm. "He escaped out the back!" He told both Chase and Riley and went out.

"You safe now." Koda told the chef.


[Amber Beach - Somewhere]

Both Chase and Riley had Morphed and caught up to Cavity. Tyler was distracted as he fought against the Vivix.

"I'll beat you like eggs!" Cavity said.

"I can take him." Riley said moving forward.

"Haha, be my guest. Let's just hope he shoots tennis balls at you." Chase said.

"Is that supposed to be funny?" Riley questioned looking back at him.

"Decay time!" Cavity said and fired his attacks at them.

Riley deflected the attacks with his Dino Saber.

"Hold still!" Cavity yelled, he fired his attacks which gets deflected by Riley. "Open wide! This is going to hurt!" He ran forward.

"Nice job, Riley." Chase said standing next to Riley. "Now, let me show you what my training can do." He pushed him off.

"Stop goofing off, I had him!" Riley said.

"Bickering babies!" Cavity said, he was about to attack the two Rangers until another Ranger appeared.

Tristan appeared in his White Ranger Suit and blocked Cavity's incoming attack with his Chromafury Saber. "How about the two of you focus on the current situation." He told them while keeping his focus on Cavity.

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