Chapter Seven: Let Sleeping Zords Lie (Edited)

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[Somewhere in the mountains]

Today, the Rangers were all outside looking for Energems.

"Sure is hot today." Riley said.

"Ay? What's she up to?" Chase asked seeing Shelby sitting under a shelter.

"Something isn't right." Shelby said, after sketching an Ankylosaurus.

"How about lending a hand?" Chase asked.

Shelby stood up. "Follow me for a sec." She said. "Keeper gave Twelve Energems, to Twelve different Dinosaurs."

"Of course..." Koda said standing up. "Wait, I, uh, what?" He asked scratching his head.

Both Tyler and Aaron laughed.

"We've found eight Energems, but six are still lost." Shelby said. "Those Energems will only be found near the fossils of the Pterodactyl, Ankylosaurus, Kronosaurus, Pachysaurus, Plesiosaurus and Titanosaurus." She listed. "We shouldn't dig here just because we've found bones here before." She explained.

"Okay then, where should we dig?" Tyler asked.

Shelby took a moment to answer. "I don't know, exactly." She said.

Some of the Rangers chuckled. Aaron and Zuzu shrugged at each other.

"But I have an idea. Check this out." Shelby said going back towards the sketches.

The Rangers start making their way towards where Shelby is.

"If we combine the known areas where the remaining dinosaurs lived." Shelby said. "With the energy signatures from each Dinosaur's Energem. Than we can pinpoint more accurately, where to look." She explained.

"Energy's signature? What is Shelby say?" Koda asked.

"She just doesn't like getting dirty." Chase said.

"No, what we're saying is, we need to work smarter not harder." Shelby said.

"Yeah, actually she might be right about that energy signature, but how would you even track it?" Riley asked.

"Hey." Tyler said.

"You finished all of our drinks?" Chase asked.

"What? It's really hot out here." Shelby said.

"Yeah, we noticed." Tyler said.

"Shelby drink like camel." Koda said.
"Hmmm, more like fish that need water." Zuzu said.
Koda points at Zuzu while nodding.

Aaron tries not to laugh.

"Shouldn't we at least test my theory?" Shelby asked. The Rangers were silent. "Fine then, I don't need anything from you guys, anyway." She stated. Standing up and going towards Tyler's jeep, but stops mid-way. She turns back around. "Um, I need your keys." She told Tyler who hands it to her. "And this." She grabs a drink and left.


[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

Shelby and Kendall had created the E-Tracer a device that could help the Rangers to locate the Zords. The others Rangers had returned.

"Hey guys, we're back!" Riley said.

Everyone went down the slide and returned their Energems back into their stations.

"Welcome home, gentlemen." Shelby greeted.

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