Chapter Seventeen: World Famous! (In New Zealand)

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Aaron POV

All of us are at the Dino Café. "But I'm scheduled to work, seven days in a row. I need a break." Shelby said. "And you will get a break, on Day Eight." Kendall said. Chase came into the DIno Café, on his skateboard. "Guys, someone took a photo of a UFO. Look familiar?" Chase said, as he showed us the newspaper. "Hey, that is Sledge's Transport Pod." Koda said. "Photo taken by Albert Smith?" Riley said. Tyler took the newspaper. "Albert gives bigfoot tours?" Tyler said.

"Cool." Tyler said. Kendall took the newspaper. "We need to check this out, right away." Kendall said. "Yes! Albert lives in New Zealand, my home country." Chase said. "Change the work schedule, Miss Morgan. We're heading down under." Shelby said. "Yeah." Tyler, and Chase said, as they high-fived. 'I wonder how dad is doing.' I think to myself.


All of us arrived at New Zealand. "I propose we take a gander around Auckland, before we locate this Albert character." Ivan said. We reached our first location. "Okay, so here we have the Sky Tower, it has a restaurant at the top that rotates all the way around, from where you could see all of Auckland." Chase said. Tyler, and Shelby took a selfie. "Let's go!" I said. "We need to catch the ferry!" Shelby said.


We are now on the ferry. "Dolphins!" Shelby said, as she saw dolphins. "Oh!" Koda said. "What are dolphins?" Ivan asked. "There!" I said pointing at the dolphins. "They're jumping!" Ivan said. Koda took off his shirt. "We go swim!" Koda said. All of us stopped Koda.


We arrived at the location. "Is this the right place?" I asked. "We're really out in the boonies." Shelby said. "Well, here we call it the wop-wops." Chase said. We got off the car. "Hello? Is anybody here?" Tyler asked. "Good day. Anyone." Ivan said. "Bigfoot tours? Yup, this is Albert's place." Chase said. "Hey, guys!" I called. "Check this out." Shelby said, as she grabbed a stick.

We saw meat hanging from the tree. "Now, why would anyone hang something like that, up there?" Ivan asked. Shelby poked it, and it activated a trap. All of us got trapped. "Got you!" A man said. All of us screamed. "Thought you were a bigfoot." The man said. "Oh, you must be Albert Smith." Riley said. "That's me, world famous, In New Zealand!" Albert said.


We are now sitting at a table. "Horn of a unicorn." Albert said, as he placed a horn on the table. "Footprint of a bigfoot." Albert said, as he placed a bigfoot footprint on the table. "And I wrestle a giant squid once, he got my eye, but I got his leg." Albert said. "A giant squid, wow." Tyler said. "Ah, please, good sir, if you could just tell us more about this photo." Ivan said showing Albert the newspaper.

"So you guys are UFO Hunters. I've seen it five times, all over the city, here's the proof." Albert said showing us the photos. "Excuse me, a moment, when I come back, I'll tell you about this giant Dragon's egg." Albert said, as he placed a giant egg on the table, and left. Tyler left, as well. "They're definitely Transport Pods." Shelby said.

"Um, guys, Albert seems a little cuckoo." Chase said. "Really, just a little?" I said. "Come on, let's find out exactly where he took the photos, and get out of here." Riley said. All of us agreed.

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