Chapter Nine: When Logic Fails (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

Inside of the Ranger Base, the Rangers were there.

Riley was working on a puzzle with some calculations.

Tyler, Koda, Zuzu, Shelby, Aaron and Kendall were looking at the broken E-Tracer.

Kendall took out the burnt wires, from the E-tracer, inspecting it.

"Our beautiful E-tracer, up in smoke." Shelby said.

Koda's stomach grumbled. "Sorry, I very hungry." Koda said.

Kendall chuckled. "Don't worry, Koda. I've sent Chase and Kyle to get pizza." She told him.

"So, Fury knows where the Ptera Zord is, but will he tell Sledge?" Shelby asked.

"Sledge, doesn't care about the Zord. Unless it leaves Fury with the Gold Energem." Kendall said.

"But Fury betrays Poisandra, so Sledge can't trust him anymore." Shelby said.

"Woah, woah, woah, I am so confused. What's our next step?" Tyler asked.

"Maybe, we eat." Koda said.

"Let's try thinking of a plan, than we can eat." Aaron told Koda.

"I think I solved it. We need to look at the problem logically." Riley said.

Everyone looked towards Riley.

"Sledge. Poisandra. Fury." Riley said as he holds up a marble each. "Now, they each take their own paths." He puts the marbles into the contraptions and watching it all go down. "Chasing after power, love, maybe revenge, but the one thing they all need first."

"The Energems." Shelby said.

"Exactly, their only chance of getting an Energem, is with a very powerful weapon. Like the Ptera Zord. Different paths, leading to one conclusion." Riley said.

"So, they've got to power-up the Ptera Charger." Tyler said. Riley nodded.

"But there's only one lab like ours with equipment strong enough to Energize a Dino Charger." Kendall said.

"And logically that lab is where we start." Riley said.


[Amber Beach - Abandoned Laboratory]

Outside of the abandoned laboratory, Chase was on his skateboard while holding the boxes on one hand.

The Black Ranger was startled by the two kids who ran away when they saw the monster: Puzzler. He fell and dropped the pizza boxes. "Hey!" He stood up, taking off his helmet and throwing it onto the field. "Thanks!" He said.

Kyle appeared next to him. "I've told you it was a bad idea from the start." He told him. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with an orange sweater on the outside, with a pair of black jeans. "What's worst is, that was the entire pizzas we bought. Now, we have buy new ones."

"Hey, it's not my fault." Chase said looking at Kyle.

"Mhmm, I'm sure." Kyle said while nodding. He has a deadpan expression. "It doesn't help that you've somehow convinced me to let you hold all the pizza boxes."

"You scaredy cats!" Puzzler yelled.

Both Chase and Kyle saw the monster.

"Stop!" Chase yelled, he jumps in front of Puzzler and start fighting him.

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