Chapter Twenty: One More Energem

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A/N: There will be some changes in the Megazords fight, because I wanna form the Pachy Formation for the Mosa-Brachio Charge Megazord. Also there's a special part for both Phillip and Aaron at the end.

Aaron POV

All of us are in the base testing the new Get-bot. The Get-bot returned with Tyler's Energem. "Awesome, it worked perfectly." Tyler said, as he took back his Energem. "And that is how Get-bot is going to find the Purple Energem on Sledge's ship." Kendall said. Riley picked Get-bot up. "Yes, but how do we get it into a Transport Pod so Get-bot can get up there?" Riley asked. "Sledge has an Energem now, I have a feeling we're gonna see him sooner, rather than later." Chase said. "We need to counter Sledge's move with everything we got." Kendall said.

The base's door opened. "Including the Graphite Ranger." Kendall said. "Prince Phillip!" Shelby said. Me, Koda, and Ivan walked in front. "Great to see you, sire." Ivan said. "You too, Sir Ivan. I'm ready." Phillip said. Koda hits Phillip's shoulder. "Welcome back, prince." Koda said. "Koda." Ivan said. "Oh, sorry." Koda said. "Nice to see you again, Phillip." I said. "Nice to see you as well, Aaron." Phillip said.

Suddenly the alarm beeped. "What is it, Miss Morgan?" Chase asked. "Transport Pods are entering the atmosphere, here's our chance." Kendall said. "Let's go!" Tyler said. "Hurry!" Shelby said. All of us left the base.


We arrived at the location, Morphed. "These are the coordinates." Kendall said. "But I don't see any pods." Shelby said. "Eyes up, guys!" Tyler said. All of us saw Transport Pods. "Wow, there are a lot of them!" Shelby said. "Keep, them distracted. Ivan, and I will work around the rear, and plant Get-bot in a Transport Pod." Kendall said. "Be careful, they've got an Energem." Tyler said. Ivan, and Kendall left.

"It's a whole new ball game." Tyler said. "Surprise!" Sledge said, as he froze us in place. "Can't move!" Tyler said. "I'm starting to see why you, Rangers have been so tough to beat! These Energems are pretty powerful!" Sledge said.

"Wanna know how this is going to play out? First, I'm gonna take the Red Energem." Sledge said. He suddenly got attacked. Keeper appeared. "What? Keeper?" Tyler said. "You may have an Energem, but you'll never have the heart of a Ranger." Keeper said. Sledge stops the monsters. "Stay back! He's mine! You've fooled me once, and today you'll finally pay for it!" Sledge said.

Keeper, and Sledge begin fighting.

At the end Keeper got attacked, and fell to the ground.

"No!" All of us yelled.

The monsters captured Keeper.

"I'm not done with you yet, Keeper! Take him back to the ship, and make him suffer!" Sledge said.

"Now where was I, oh yes! First, I'm gonna take the Red Energem!" Sledge said, as he took the Energem from Tyler.

"It's mine now!" Sledge said.

Tyler fell to the ground, and de-morphed.

Sledge went to Koda next.

"One down, Seven to go!" Sledge said, as he was about to take Koda's Energem, but Tyler stopped him using Keeper's staff.

All of us got unstuck.

"We're free!" I said.

The Ptera Zord appeared.

"What? A Zord!" Sledge said.

"Hold on, Tyler!" Koda said, as he held onto Tyler.

"Jump!" I shouted, as we got onto the Ptera Zord.

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