Chapter Nineteen: Wishing For a Hero

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Aaron POV

Me, Tyler, and Shelby found the others at a stand. "Hey, guys. What's going on?" Tyler asked. "These guys, are writing down their wishes, thinking it'll actually come true." Riley said. "Yeah, like that's gonna happen." Shelby said. "I don't really want to make a wish." I said. "Koda, got you the tropical burger." Shelby said, as I held up the bag to Koda. Koda gasped. "That my wish!" Koda said, as he took the bag.

"No, no, no, no, no, that's not magic. You always wish for a burger." Riley said. Koda nodded his head. "Sir Chase, what was your wish?" Ivan asked. "Well-" Chase was about to say. "Hey, is that a Kiwi on your skateboard?" A girl asked. "You certainly know your birds." Chase said. "Oh, your New Zealand accent, it's so cute." The girl said. "This is my wish." Chase whispered.

Me, Riley, and Kendall shook our heads in disbelief. "Uh, you wanna go to the skatepark?" Chase asked. "Sure, as long as you keep talking." The girl said. "Okay." Chase said, as he high-fived with Koda, and followed her.

Tyler, Shelby, and Ivan look at each other, and begin writing their wishes. "May all your wishes come true." The lady said. "Let's hope so." Tyler said.

"You not gonna wish, find Phil?" Koda asked me. "Phil?" Riley questioned. "No, I'm not. I prefer to look for him the hard way. No pain, no gain." I replied to Koda. "I'll explain to you guys eventually." I told Riley. "Right." Riley said.


We are now at the Dino Museum Dino Café. "Hey, is everybody still good for a picnic? Maybe a great way to clear our heads." Tyler said. "Yeah, I'm in. For sure." Shelby said. "Thanks for the invitation, but I'm still trying to figure out a plan to find a Purple Ranger." Kendall said. "I'm helping, Miss Morgan." Riley said. "So, uh, Five it is." Tyler said.

We saw Koda in pain. "Koda. Koda, are you okay?" Tyler asked. Koda shook his head. "No, go. My tummy." Koda said, as he farted and left. Me, and Shelby cover up our noses. "I hope you feel better." Tyler said. "What about you, Ivan?" Tyler asked. "Alas, no. I'm covering Chase's shift, so he can spend time with his, lady of the skateboard." Ivan said.

"What about you, Aaron?" Tyler asked. "No, I can't. I have some errands to run. You guys have fun though." I said, as I left.


Me, Koda, and Riley are currently at the base. Koda was in pain, as he placed his head on Riley's shoulder. "How you doing, Koda?" Riley asked. "Are you okay?" I asked. "Tropical Burger, oh, bad idea." Koda said. Ivan came into the base. Ivan groaned. "What's the matter with you?" Riley asked. "You don't look so good." I said.

"I believe, I may have injured my back, by helping a young lady." Ivan said. Chase came in as well. "That girl, she broke my heart, than she broke my skateboard. This is the worst." Chase said. Tyler, and Shelby came in as well.

"Hey, I'm glad you guys are here, we really need to talk about-" Riley started to say. "Our wishes?" Shelby said. "How'd you know?" I asked. "They both came true, before they went bad." Tyler said. "Wait a second, that's what happened to everybody, that made a wish." Riley said. I hummed in agreement.

"Those wishing cards." Chase said. "They cursed." Koda said. "Miss Morgan. She's about to make a wish to find the Purple Ranger." Ivan said. "We have to stop her!" Tyler said. We grabbed our Energems, and left the base.


All of us arrived where Kendall is. We tried to stop her, but it was too late. Kendall was about to be hit by a car, but a guy saved her. Kendall was about to give the guy, the Purple Energem, as we tell her to stop. Before the guy could take it, all of us were attacked.

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