Chapter Eight: Double Ranger, Double Danger (Edited)

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Somewhere outside, the Rangers were around trying to look for more Energems with the new E-Tracer.

Koda and Zuzu were on a tree looking around.
Chase was sitting on a boulder taking off a petal off of flowers.
Riley, Shelby and Aaron were setting up the E-Tracer.
Tyler was sitting against a tree while writing on his dad's journal.

"I'll set the E-tracer, here." Riley said. He placed the table with the E-Tracer on it onto the ground.

"This Dino Charger has been created to detect energy from the Gold Energem, or the Ptera Zord." Shelby said, she placed the Ptera Charger into the E-Tracer. "Hopefully the E-tracer will locate one of them."

"I'm sure it will." Aaron said. "I mean, it did help us with finding the Ankylo Zord. No Energem, yet. But it's great."

"I miss you so much, Dad." Tyler thought, looking at the picture of a younger version of him and his dad. "I even still wear your bracelet." He looks at the bracelet. "Keeping it safe, 'till I finally find you. Today is June 10th, being a Ranger is not easy, but we've got a great team. Even though Chase gets distracted by girls, sometimes."

"Monica loves me. Monica loves me not." Chase finished pulling the petals. He shrugged and threw the stem away. "Oh, well. Monica's lost." He said and picks up another flower. "Tina loves me. Tina loves me not..."

"He definitely has our backs." Tyler thought and went back to his journal.

Aaron had been a bit annoyed at Chase, mostly because he was not helping much with the E-Tracer. He got up from where he crouched, going towards the Black Ranger. "You know, Chase. I don't think no matter how much you try, they're all just gonna end up on "love you not"." He told him. "Who know, maybe you can try using it on Kyle, and see if it'll be successful." He joked, before going back towards where Riley and Shelby are.

Chase watched as Aaron went back towards the others. "What? No." He said shaking his head a bit, before he picks up another flower. "Kyle loves me. Kyle loves me not..." He continued.

"Aaron, though it might not seem like it, he's usually the one who looks out for us." Tyler thought as he wrote it into his journal. "Riley is always analyzing things, he makes me try harder too."

"Okay, I calibrated it to search the grids from left to right." Riley said after starting up the E-Tracer.

"Shelby's really smart. And hey, I think she's cute." Tyler thought.

"No, not left to right." Shelby said, she crouched where Riley previously was. "I already calibrated it to search right to left."

Aaron stood up and helps Riley up.

"And kinda stubborn." Tyler thought. He looked towards both Koda and Zuzu. "Both Koda and Zuzu, you wouldn't believe how strong their animal instincts are. And Zuzu's a fast learner, he's already getting the hang on modern day stuff." He looks at the image of Fury.. "I can't stop help thinking Fury had something to do with your appearance. Nothing's gonna keep me from finding you, Dad. Especially, not Fury."

Both Koda and Zuzu jumps down from the tree, startling Tyler.

"Koda, I asked you to stop doing that. And Zuzu, stop copying him." Tyler told them.

Zuzu was a bit confused, but was still on high alert.

"Tyler you smell." Koda said.

"I do?" Tyler asked after sniffing his cloth.

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