Chapter Fourteen: True Black (Edited)

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Somewhere in the woods, all of the Rangers were training.

Tyler was doing a hand-stand on a boulder, shirtless.
Riley and Ivan were practicing their swordsmanship skills.
Koda and Zuzu were practicing acrobatics.
Shelby and Aaron were practicing with punching bags.
Kyle was practicing his archery skill, he fired an arrow towards the target hitting it in the bullseye.

Chase was morphed, he is going to practice using the newly made Dino Armor X Charger.

"Ms. Morgan, I agree training's important, but you want me to fly through that concrete wall?" Chase asked pointing towards it.

"Correct. The Dino Armor X Charger are designed to be that tough, it works with Black Energem power." Kendall said.

The other Rangers, except Kyle gathered behind them.

"Okay, I'll give it a shot" Chase said, he stood in front "Dino Armor X Charger! Ready!" He shouted, pressing and placing it into his Morpher.
"Dino Armor X Charger! Engage!"

Chase went into Dino Armor X. "Woah, extreme power. Well, here I go! Spiral Attack!" He shouted, going forward, he drilled through the concrete wall.

Kyle, who was on the other side of the wall, heard the noise. "Whoa!" He said seeing Chase, he quickly ducked out of the way.

Chase drilled past Kyle and went back towards the concrete wall, before de-morphing. "Sweet. It worked great, Kendall- I mean Miss Morgan." He corrected.

"Nice going, doofus." Kyle said.

Chase turned around, he saw the broken target. "Oh..." He trailed off. "Sorry, Kyle. It's got more power than I realized." He said.

"You owe me, a new target." Kyle said.

Music came out from Kyle's speaker.

"Hey, that's the N-Zed Boys. They're from New Zealand." Chase said, recognizing the song. "You're not one of those crazy fans, are you? The ones that know all the lyrics by heart? Who wear the N-Zed Boys T-Shirt?" He asked.

"No." Kyle said, turning around. "I'm not that kind of crazy fan." He quietly said.

"Oh, you're not going to that concert tonight, were you?" Chase asked.

"Maybe." Kyle said. Chase chuckled, he went away. the Orange Ranger looked towards him. "Look, you have no idea-" He stopped seeing the Black Ranger going away.

"I'm gonna travel the world, going upside down..." Chase sang-mocked, he went away.

"He doesn't understand." Kyle said, he shakes his head.


[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Dino Café]

The Rangers were now back in the Dino Café, working.

Ivan brought the tray of foods out towards a table. "For the ladies, a heavenly feast indeed." He said.

Kyle went out of the kitchen area, he grabs the container of dirty dishes. "Have you seen Chase?" He asked Koda who was cleaning the table. "He should've been here an hour ago." He said.

"No." Koda said, he shakes his head.

In the kitchen area, the radio was playing the N-Zed Boys' song.

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