Chapter Thirteen: Sync or Swim (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Inside]

Inside of the museum, both Riley and Kyle were going through Kendall's list of stuff prepared for the Fossil Day event.

"Now, remember. Each kids gets a sifter-" Kendall said, she hands it to Riley. "A safari hat-" She said and puts it on Kyle's head. "And a shovel, and oh, let's see..." She trailed off as Riley grabs the shovel.

"Hey, hey, deep breathes." Riley told Kendall. "It's all taken care of. The event's gonna be great, Ms. Morgan." He reassured.

"Yeah." Kyle agreed. He adjusted his hat. "We've been preparing for the event for weeks. I'm sure we've got everything ready." He said.

"I know. I'm a little stressed out." Kendall said, Riley grabs the bucket. "But kids look forward to the museum's Fossil Fun Day, all year. Now, let's go over everything again." She quickly walks away.

Both Riley and Kyle sighed as they followed Kendall.


Everyone else were outside of the museum preparing for the Fossil Fun Day event.

"Uh, Koda, can you hand me that rope?" Chase asked. Koda throws the rope towards him. "Thanks, mate." He thanked him.

"That is everything." Tyler said, he placed a container of equipment to the back of the truck.

"Almost ready to go." Koda said.

"Cannot wait for the big day." Zuzu said excited.

"This is gonna be exciting." Aaron said.

Both Tyler and Shelby placed some other stuff onto the jeep.

"Shelby, wait, wait, wait." Tyler called. He took out a coat. "Look, I, uh, got that coat we saw in the store window." He said and puts it on. "What do you think?" He asked, he twirled showing off the coat.

"It's... fine." Shelby said.

"Fine? But you said it looked great." Tyler said.

"It did." Shelby said. She turns around. "On the mannequin." She mumbled and walks away.

A kid appeared telling Tyler that his vehicle is cool. Tyler begin telling him about the parts, until their attention was brought towards a horse galloping.

Everyone saw a knight riding on the back of the horse, and went closer.

"Ivan?" Koda asked.
"Is that you?" Zuzu asked.

"It's like something out of a Romance Novel." Shelby said.

Ivan was indeed the knight, as he lifts up his helmet.

"You have got to be kidding me." Tyler said.

"Mate, he's literally a knight in shining armor." Chase said.

"Debatable. But you know what? I agree." Aaron said.

"I come prepare for battle!" Ivan said raising his sword, he smiled and his teeth shined.

"Did his teeth just shined?" Aaron asked.

People around begin taking picture of Ivan.

"Digital portraits, ey? Alright." Ivan said, he held up a peace sign for the people who are taking pictures. He posed again.

Unaware to people. Both Wrench and Smokescreen were hiding in some nearby bushes.

"There's the Red Ranger's car." Wrench said. "Go plant the bomb." He told Smokescreen.

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