Chapter One: Powers From the Past (Edited)

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Edited: 22/10/2022


In outer space, Keeper, piloting a small spaceship, attempts to flee from Sledge, who commandeers a larger spaceship that hauls asteroids and alien outlaws. Poisandra, a crewmate of Sledge who is aboard his ship, manages to lock-on to Keeper's ship and shoot it down, causing the smaller ship to crash land on Earth. However, Keeper survived the crash. Sensing the arrival of Fury, another crewmate of Sledge who tracked him down to Earth, Keeper quickly hides the Energems and plays dead when Fury arrives, allowing Sledge's crewmate to take the case where the Energems were kept. After Fury leaves the planet, Keeper then entrusts the Energems to the dinosaurs by bonding them to their bodies.

When Fury returns to Sledge's ship, Sledge realizes that the Energem case is a decoy, which contains a bomb. The bomb explodes and causes the prized asteroids he was holding via tractor beam to fall onto Earth, wiping out the dinosaurs and presumably both Keeper and Fury. Sledge's ship hurtles toward space uncontrollably as he swears revenge against Keeper.


[Aaron Johnson]

Shelby and I were at the Dino Café working as waiters. We were trying to look for the table. Me, and Shelby accidentally bumped into Kendall, causing a dinner roll to fall into her soup.

"Oops, sorry." Shelby said.

"Sorry." I said.

"Shelby, Aaron." Kendall said.

Shelby and I found the table. We start handing the food to the customers.

"Um, T-Rex ribs on rye, lightly toasted." Shelby said.

"Two Dactyl Melt on an egg roll, hold the mayo." I said.

"And a Bronto Burger." Shelby said.

"With Fossil Fries, light salt." I said.

"Uh, anything else?" Shelby asked.

"We haven't even ordered yet." A customer said.

"You didn't need to order, 'cause we read your minds." I said.

"Enjoy." Shelby said, and we went away.

The both of us went out of the café, and went looking for

{Introduction Phase}

I should probably introduce myself, my name is Aaron, Aaron Johnson. I work at the Dino Museum Dino Café as a waiter, with Shelby. Shelby is the first friend I made when I moved back to Amber Beach from New Zealand a few months ago.

Me, and Shelby has that Big Sister, and Little Brother relationship. I can be a socially awkward person, because of it me making friends is hard. A long time ago before I moved to New Zealand, I have a bestfriend who I called Phil. Phil and I were pretty much inseparable the day we met, we would do almost everything together.

Until the day I moved, we were pretty sad about it. Me and Phil made a promise to each other, that when I moved back to Amber Beach, I would look for him. We exchanged a friendship bracelet that day, mine is White & Yellow, while Phil's is Grey & Orange. It's the only thing left I had from him.

Thing is, I was in love with him, still do. I never noticed it before, but after I moved to New Zealand, I started to think of all the time, me and Phil were together when we were kids. We were kids back than, so I never know what love felt like. And that's why I'm determined to find him.

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