Chapter Ten: The Royal Rangers (Edited)

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[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

Currently inside the Ranger Base, Kendall was asleep on the table.

Tyler, Koda and Kyle went towards where Kendall is.

"Uh, Kendall?" Koda called, waking Kendall up her sleep.

"It's Miss Morgan." Kendall said.

"Did you work all night?" Koda asked.

Kendall yawned. "Destroying monsters is one thing, but with Fury in charge of the Ptera Zord you need a stronger Battle Mode in your Megazord." She stood up and went towards the newly-made Dino Chargers.

Koda checked the empty paper bags for some food, but was disappointed when there were none.

"Which is why I developed these." Kendall said taking out the new Dino Chargers. "They activate Dino Drive Mode." She explained.

Tyler quickly grab one of the new Charger, while Kendall handed the other to Koda. "Awesome. Fury won't know what hit him." He said.

"Let's hope so. They haven't been tested yet, but if they work they'll double your power." Kendall explained. Tyler looked at her shocked. "But remember only in your Megazord." She repeated.

"Dino Drive Mode, that's great Kendall." Koda said, he pats her back.

"With the Ptera Zord being able to fly, attacking it from the ground is the only choice we have." Kyle said.

"Unless we have the Archaeop Zord." Kendall said.

"But I wasn't able to find it, before I had to return." Kyle said. "With the E-Tracer gone, finding my Zord will take a lot of time."

Kendall's communicator beeped.

"The Zandar treasures has arrived." Chase said. He shows the others the crates.

"We're on our way up to help them load." Tyler said.

"Not me, Shelby needs me for something "urgent" in the café." Kendall said. Doing quotation marks on the word "urgent".

"Oh, must be very important." Koda said.

Tyler and Kyle laughed.
Kendall left.


The Rangers were all unloading the crates. Shelby came out.

"So, does Julian get a show?" Tyler asked, when he saw her.

"No, that guy lives and breathes for his art, he just needs a break." Shelby said.

"Hey, look at this." Chase said, everyone looked towards an image of a knight.

"Hey, that's Sir Ivan." Aaron said, he recognized the figure.

"You know him?" Zuzu asked, looking towards Aaron.

"I used to live in Zandar." Aaron said. "Going to the museum and learning about its history was something I used to do with my friends." He explained.

"Wow, this exhibit has the Stone Of Zandar." Riley said.

"What's that?" Shelby asked.

"Well, if you believe the legend, it all started when the knight Sir Ivan found the stone." Riley said.

"Knights are so awesome." Chase said.

"Of course, they are." Kyle said.

"So, what happened?" Koda asked.

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