Chapter Three: A Fool's Hour (Edited)

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[Author's Note]

Zuzu's weapon has been changed.


[Amber Beach Dino Museum - Ranger Base]

Currently inside of the Ranger Base, Riley was practicing his sword skill by hitting away some baseballs.
Chase was working on his skateboard, while wearing a pair of headphones listening to some music.

Aaron and Zuzu were also there, the White Ranger was currently teaching the caveman all about modern lifestyle, currently they're on the topic of food.

"Okay, Zuzu. Now, tell me, what do you see?" Aaron asked holding up a magazine with a picture of a hamburger. He was wearing a white long sleeve shirt and some jeans.

"Mmm... Burger." Zuzu said, after humming a bit in delight before answering. He was wearing a yellow hoodie that was a bit oversized, and some grey shorts.

Aaron had recently found out that Zuzu likes to wear comfortable clothes.

Aaron was happy. "Correct! Good job, Zuzu. And here's your reward." He took out a plate with a Bronto Burger on it.

"Bronto Burger!" Zuzu cheered, his face lit up as he saw the burger, he grabs it and starts eating it.

Aaron looked towards the audience with a tired expression. "I've spent ages trying to get him to say the names correctly, you guys have no idea how many times he called sandwiches "burgers"." He turned back towards Zuzu smiling.

Shelby had just arrived into the Ranger Base via the slide and sent her Pink Energem towards the stand. "Oops, careful." She said as she walks past the baseballs. "Good morning." She greeted as she makes her way towards where Aaron, Zuzu and Chase were.

"Hey." Chase greeted, he lifted up his headphones. "Don't you two look sharp." He said seeing her outfit.

"It is such a relief to finally come to the museum, and not have to look..." Shelby said before trailing off and saw Tyler who had entered and was wearing the uniform. "Like that!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah... About that." Aaron said trailing off a bit and gestured towards Tyler.

"Isn't it great? I get to be a busboy at the café." Tyler said.

"You're late, Shelby." Kendal said as she entered the base. "Please Chase, this is a sterile laboratory, not a garage." She told him when she saw his skateboard on the table. She saw some stacks of magazines on the table beside Aaron and Zuzu. "What are these?" She asked.

"I've been teaching Zuzu a few things about the modern time." Aaron said. "Let's just say, it took quite a lot." He shook his head. "But he did get a reward at the end." He gestured towards the Caveman.

"Bronto Burger..." Zuzu said in delight, he was savoring every taste of it.

"Well, this is not a classroom, so..." Kendall trailed off. Aaron picks up the magazines.

"Why is Tyler dressed to work in the café?" Shelby asked. "We're Rangers now, you know busy saving the world...?"

"Sometimes you're busy saving the world, other times you're busy flipping burgers. Today it's burgers." Kendall said. She turned towards Shelby. "That's how you blend in, no one will suspects you're Rangers." She explained.

"You know, when you think about it, maybe we shouldn't always be wearing the same colors as our Ranger Suits all the time." Aaron said looking at Zuzu who looks confused.

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