He's back .. for me?

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Disclaimer : I got a similar idea of the Fanfic from a Brat Tv show chicken girls : Seyla. This is inspirational and not stolen!! ALL CREDS TO BRAT TV!( You can watch on YouTube) ( More specific season 8)
Plot : Ricky's friend group of him, seb, Red and Ashlyn face some trouble with there enemies Ej, lily, Carlos and Howie are cracking down on them.


It was a average  cold morning. Ricky Was Waking up from a his dreading sound of his alarm clock, he got up and fell on the floor. He got up fixing his curls in his hair, putting on a odor on and heading down stairs. His dad was on the couch listening to the news as Ricky greeted him

Ricky: Hey dad
Mike: hey you ready for school
Ricky: yep,
Mike: so what's the goal this semester, getting a new Girlfriend or?
Ricky: hehe, yeah totally the goal
RD: well get ready son, see you after school
Ricky gets his books and gets him a water and is out the door.
Ricky was on his skateboard riding to school when he gets to the door and see the gang
Ricky: what up guys

Seb: what up Ricky
Big red: what up Ricky
Ashlyn: so new semester, what we thinking
Big red: come on guys we're almost seniors, you know what we should do guys
Ashlyn: What?
Big red: we should all do the theater together
Ashlyn:  like a pack
- They started walking through the school to there lockers-
Ricky: I'm not agreeing to shit.
Ashlyn: oh come on Ricky, what's the harm
Ricky: Umm rejection!?
Seb: well you be fine, they won't reject you
- Ej, lily, howie and Carlos are walking up to them over hearing there whole conversation-
Lily: eww who told y'all you guys are talented!
Ashlyn: buss off losers!
Ej: or what! Y'all going to do something
Ej smirks
Big red: we'll be fine you Guys, tryouts will be easy when the date realses
Carlos: *coughs * more like after school you guys
Ricky: What are you taking about?
Ej: Didn't you here
Ej Hands them a piece of paper
Carlos: things changed! the date was moved to today
Ricky: What!
Howie: and we'll all make it! See you all at tryouts losers!
Ej and his gang came and pushed them out of the way

@ Lunch
Ricky: well we're fucked, there's no way we'll have any time to practice ! Or even be able to go in there confidently
Seb: what do we do guys!
Ashlyn: we go in, we audition, and we'll all get on! PERIDOT!
Red: your right! Well things could get a lot worse!

I'm not going to write the audition part because I'm Lazy! 😭😭 To sum it up basically they all auditioned for frozen ( see what I did there....) and are waiting for the cast list
Ricky: ugh this is intense! Why can't this be like bandage, where you rip it off
Seb: well be fine guys!
Ms Jen walks in and she posts the cast list.
They all went in and saw the excitement on Ej, lily, Carlos and Howies face!
Ricky: What does it say!
Red: I didn't make the cut...
Seb: me neither,..
Red: and neither did you Ricky
They all walk away looking disappointed as Ashlyn walks up to see
Red: babe! You coming?!
Ashlyn: I made the list and I'm the lead. Anna!
Ricky, red, and seb all looked at each other in school!

@ there neighborhood walking home
Ashlyn: it's ok guys, I'll just drop out, to be fair. I don't want to do this alone! Besides I don't want to kiss howie nor be sisters with lily,
Seb: no you worked hard for it! And it's not fair! It should stay
Ricky: yeah you deserve it!
Red: alright me and ash are going.
Seb: and me
Ricky: Al right peace!
They did there secret handshake
Ricky started was walking and later pulled out his phone, while he did he bumped into someone an droped there phone
Ricky: OMG I'm so sorry! I should stop being less ignorant!
?????: Ricky!
- Blinks and remembers the person-
Ricky: Omg! Antoine! I haven't seen you since -
Antoine: 6th grade, yeah my family and I moved back to salt lake in our old home! Guess we'll be neighbors again!
Ricky: I I Guess we well, see you around'
Antoine: ok, see you later Bowen
Ricky was in shock and walked home, Antoine was his first crush, his crush to realize he's into guy's!
Ricky POV: OMG am I  redeveloping feelings for him?

- New chapter this Tuesday-

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