Don't F*** with my family

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- I swear it felt longer while writing this ✋-

Meanwhile with Ej
* Last chapter But from Ej's Perspective •

Beep! Beep! Beep! It's a new day for Ej, meaning a new day of work. Ej recently started a new job at Starbucks to earn some money to keep him from being occupied. His girlfriend Lily is in Paris for vacation so he can't see his girlfriend, but has been avoiding a certain brunet friend.

30 minutes later
Ej comes down stairs in his Starbucks's outfit and stuff
Ej's dad: have a fun day at work today
Ej: thanks dad
Ej dad: I mean it's not highly recommended job I would want my children.... But time will come
Ej: thanks?..
Ej left the house heading to his car, until someone interrupts him
?????: Ej! Hi
Ej(mumbles): Ugh not him again..

DISCLAIMER!!! NEXT SCENE ABOUT TO BE USED IS FROM COBRA KAI SEASON 3!!  The scene like Tory and the Landlord! Not my scene!!

Ej turns around seeing his landlord Ted walking by in a suit and brief case
Ted: Hi Ej, how's your dad going
Ej: Fine.. why this concern you?
Ted: just want to see how he's holding in since he got married,
Ej: your still on this shit? My Dad hooked up with you once! He was drunk and was going through a dark time. That doesn't prove anything
Ted: well according to this documents, you forgot to pay your final months mortgage for your  old house
Ej: and you bring it now?
Ted: look I'm just here to bring the job, your dad can't pay, he loose thousands of dollars.
Ej: obviously there is some miscommunication, my dad never forgets a payment.
Ted: read the document yourself
Ej snatches the document out of his hands and reads it seeing he did forget a payment
Ted: well -
Ted grabs it from his hand and smiles
Ted: Tell your dad that if he doesn't pay, that it'll bit him in the ass
Ej: and what if he can't pay?
Ted: well he should or maybe we could something out
Ej: what like a threesome or something
Ted: no I was actually thinking maybe us two could work something out for your dad 😏
Ted but his hand on Ej's face and Ej instantly took his arm and twisted it behind teds back
Ej: Not going to look good with a broken arm to work huh?
Ted: keep going caswell, keep going and you'll see your family and you in court
Ej grunts and realeses him
Ted: Thanks, see you later caswell
Ej grunts and gets into this car heading off to work

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now