I don't like you enough to be mad at you

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Ricky's Pov

Aaah, Today is my first day at my new job. I honestly love this and feel like it could be a good fresh start for me doing this job. Even though I have to work with Ej, ugh. Of all people, why him. I dislike him so much right now and the fact he still stayed with lily after all the shit we went through and has the audacity to pretend like he didn't nothing to me just pissed me off so much.

I walk down stairs to see the living room that was still destroyed after my Mom and her boyfriend came to visit to take me away from my dad. She claims it's for the best but clearly it's not. My dad has been trying these past few days to not let that happen but I'm really not sure if he knows what he's doing.

"Alright dad. I'm out for work. Wish me luck" I said to my dad

"Alright soon, hope it's a good first day." My dad gives me a hug wishing luck as much as I'll definitely need.

I walk out of the house skateboard riding it all the way down to work. Honestly should've had my dad drop me there but, guess this will do.

@/ Starbucks

I arrived in front of Starbucks looking at the logo in front of the store ready to start working. I enter through the doors noticing how quiet it is and seeing a familiar female coming through the door.

"Ashlyn? I didn't know you work at starbucks." I questioned with her coming out with drinks

"Ricky? Hi. Yeah I um, just started. But I'm so glad to see you today."

"And I'm so glad it's just you working with you today." I was showing a grin on my face until it disappeared.

"I'm assuming that goes for me too." The senior appears through the door giving the same classic Ej smirk.

I sighed really thinking EJ wasn't going to work today but seeing his face really pissed me off. As I was about to make a snarky comment, My boss appeared out of nowhere.

"Morning Guys." Manuel had said happy as ever

"Ok, so, Ashlyn, you're going to take a drive through with rest today. Ej, you're going to help Ricky get comfortable and also just feel welcomed inside here.


"OF course manual. You can count on me."

"Great. Now let's get going." As Manuel grinned leaving to the back and Ashyln starting to set up, Ej approached me and ofc his eyes was starting to get me butterflies.

"Well, guess it's just you and me Ri."

"DOnt -. Don't call me that. As of right now. This is strictly professional business Ej!"

"Alright. Whatever you say." Ej scoffs after my comment.

I walk past him already knowing I'm going to regret it.

3 hours later

These past few hours have been a nightmare. Not just working with Ej, but also all the work and talking to people. I forgot it's hard to speak up and do a job. I finish up with my recent customer as I give them their coffee, and just groan in exhaustion, and ofc I hear him make a comment.

"It's a double caramel frappuccino."


"You said a caramel double Frappuchino, when it's a Double caramel frappuccino." I watch as Ej corrects me as if he's been here for years. He's only been here as short as me. "Trust me, Manuel gets really tight up on making sure its the right name - "

" I would Rather be yelled at by manuel then be bossed by you EJ.." I make it clear in my tone i'm not here for his comment

"Ok. sorry, just wanting to help." Ej gets back to work. As he keeps side eyeing me. Then he literally turns his head and becomes very sturn.

"Look.. Does it have to be awkward between us all summer, why can't we just be friends."

"We're not friends! We were never friends If I remember right. We're just co-workers. That's it. Now if you excuse me, im taking my break"

I walk shoving past EJ taking off my apron heading to the back. This is going to be a loong summer I can tell.

Few hours later

It's the end of the day, and I've finally finished my first day of work. Honestly, without this whole Ej situation, I'm actually kinda relieved I got through the first day. I finished sweeping the floor as I was ready to close up for the day. I hear the door open and I realize I forgot to put the closed sign up.

"We're closed!" I yeled but it wasn't a customer

"I know. I forgot my jacket on the counter." I saw Ej come closer to me to grab his jacket. Not going lie, he was hot, especially that Polo t-shirt he decided to wear. " What are you still doing here?"

"Finishing the last of the work for the day." I say as I still focus on sweeping.

"Oh, well I guess you didn't know."

"Know what?" I didn't know where Ej was going with his statement.

"That the noobies don't clean up until they're off training. I guess that you were just working and they didn't say anything." After hearing ej threw this big bomb on me I started getting a little more frustrated. "Do you need some help?"

"Nope! I got it myself."

"LOOK!" I hear Ej's voice get heavier which makes me turn around and look up "Do you want me to apologize a million time or something?"

"What? You haven't even apologized once." This guy can't be serious?

"Honestly If I knew how bent out of shape you would get being with me, I wouldn't have done anything in the first place."

I started getting furious. I knew he wasn;t trying to play the victim as if he didn;t promise he was gonna dump lily but not.

"I'm not bent out of shape! We kissed.... And hooked up. And you didn't break up with Lily like you said.. But that doesn't make me in love with you or anything. "

"I never said you were in love with me, but you're clearly still mad"

"I'm just mad at myself. That's all. It has nothing to do with you. I don't like you enough to be mad at you." I made myself clear to prove I'm not weak to EJ. But ofc he still says it which makes me weak.

"You know, for someone who's pretty cute and also a stuck up skater. I don't believe you."

He looked right into my eyes with that stupid serious face with his glamours smirk, which made my stomach turn into knots knowing hes giving me the look.

"I'm pretty sure I know how I feel."

"Whatever you say."

As I was about to grab Ejs jacket to give it to him so he can leave quickly he grabs it and both our hands touch each other feeling as if we were about to hold hands. I know my stomach and heart was going crazy. Ej grabs his jacket and leaves the store leaving me alone. I grunt but turn back to him. I clearly know I'm lying to myself.

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now