He broke my heart 💔

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Meanwhile with Ricky, and Seb at slices
Ricky: thanks seb, for meeting me here
Seb: no problem,
Ricky: you won't believe the morning I just had
Seb: what is that?
Ricky : my mom and her psycho boyfriend are back in town
Seb: didn't she mistreat you or something?
Ricky: yes she did! Now she wants to pop back in but moving in.
Seb: sorry Rick, wish something I could do
Ricky: it's fine, guess what happens when you life is falling apart
Seb: your life's not falling apart Rick
Ricky: clearly is?!
Seb: well maybe something can distract you so  your not home with your mom but also feel occupied
Ricky: like what?
Seb: like...  A job!
Ricky: huh? I could use the money
Seb: see it's worth it
Ricky: it'll also get me no to think about. You know who.
Seb: oh yeah... did you want to talk about it?

Ricky: THERE'S NOTHING TO TALK ABOUT OK! I honestly thought we had something and hoped it work
Seb: I'm really sorry Ricky.
Ricky: thank you for not telling anyone, especially lily! She has no idea dating a piece of shit she getting herself into
Seb: well I hear she's in France, maybe you can try to talk to him
Ricky: he's barely looked at me since the dance. Guess him and lily are staying together. I just... right we had  a connection and something inside would feel whole again,
Seb: You Do! You are! Don't give up on iterate like that.
Ricky: well speaking of which how's your relationship going
Seb: uhh good! Perfect totally good! Anyways let's move on back to you
Ricky: you ok seb?
Seb; I'm great.... He s just ... Perfect!
Ricky: ok
Seb: but your love life is more interesting and better so let's focus on that!
Ricky: ok?
Seb: wait! Speaking of.. what every happened to Antoine

Ricky: I'm not sure? He like vanished and hasn't talk to me much at all
Seb: did you ever have a crush on him? I mean I saw the way you looked at him before you and Ej
Ricky: well.. it's complicated. I had feelings for him before Ej but that was before he moved. And he came back and all but it wasn't there anymore. I Mean I was suppose to go to a party with him but.. Ej
Seb: oh. So he likes hates you?
Ricky: beats me! But it's fine, he's not going talking to me. It's his loss
Seb: and Ejs..
Ricky: peridot. I spent my precious time worrying about his sorry ass. Time to get a job and focus on other stuff
Seb: that's my boy.  Now do you have experience in any job?
Ricky: Umm I was the theatre assistant.
Seb: oh god.. we have a lot of work.

- New announcement! I'm now posting once a week -

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