Can we work?

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Ok, maybe this Chapter can tease happiness between the two lovebirds.  


Three Days later

Ricky's Pov

So, I'm on day number 3 of not crying. It's a new streak. I think I'm getting better and I don't feel as shitty anymore. I think that song really helped me more than I thought. I mean It gave me the courage enough to take a shower and change into a fresh pair of Underwear finally. Anyways I'm only getting ready because Big Red is inviting me to some Back to school Party that's apparently happening. He claims it will get me over my loss and we'll be drinking and wanting to hookup with any guy I could get.

"You Ready Ricky. Ashlyn's in the car waiting for me"

"Yes. I am. We can go. " I say as I come down stairs in a casual outfit and all.

" Have fun boys, Try not to come home with no drinks.."

"We won't dad. " I laugh at my dad's response and me and Red leave the house getting into Big Red's car heading out.

As Big red was driving Ashlyn and Me to this party we were going to head too. As they got 8 minutes away from my house, I started to feel like something was off. First of all, Red was driving the way to my work. At first I didn't think anything of it. It's when they parked right in front of the Starbucks. My starbucks.

"Uhh, Guys. What are we doing here.." Why are we at my work, don't tell me -

"Uh, Ricky. Umm you wouldn't mind buying those Hot coffee starbucks drinks would you. Since um you -"

"My employee discount..?" Yeah I should've known. Ashlyn always vultures to do stuff for others all the time. "But, I guess. Just my free food as a use for this party? Are you coming?"

"NO! Uhh, I mean I just kinda wait for you.Thanks ricky. You're a lifesaver." I nod at Ashlyn and I get down from the car. HEading inside the Starbucks not expecting much of anything going to happen.

" So how long do you think Ricky's going to realize that the Starbucks is actually closed.."

"Well, if his plan goes to work. Then things are going well."

BAck to ricky.

I enter Starbucks as I Realize the lights are off. Umm ok. Where is everyone and what the heck and well, how come it looks clean and not cluttered.

"Manuel!" I yelled for my boss and Got no response. Guess he's busy.

I heard the door behind me and thought Ashlyn or Red would come and help me finally. "Finally you guys decided to come.

"Yeah. I guess I did." That wasn't Red nor Ashlyn.


No. It can't be. I turn around and I see him, he's holding flowers..

"E e Ej. WHat are you doing here."

"Honestly I'm not even sure, Red and Ashlyn just kinda Just told me to bring you flowers and stuff."

"You are here to say sorry for breaking my heart or like.."

"Look Ricky." Ej comes closer to him and brings his hands holding my hands. I quickly revoke but he of course had to bring it back to center with his. " I'm sorry. I really thought I did the right thing, I always do the wrong thing even when I am trying."

"Yeah.. You really hurt me."

"I know, I know. The truth is, The reason I stopped seeing you, didn't break up with Lily, and got upset instead of asking you about Antonie was because... I have trust issues."

"You? You have trust issues. "

"Yeah. I'm not good at trusting people and letting other people trust me. That's why I was upset because I thought you were using me. Then you said ''You fell in love with me and I couldn't."

"Well, you could have told me."

"Yeah, but I didn't. I mean, but I guess I do crazy stuff for people I really like."

"Aww, that's really cute,.. And Very Dumb at the same time."

"I know. I'm really sorry Ricky. I really like you, like I'm pretty sure I've never cried that much in my life before."

"Wait.. you cried?"

"Yep. For days. I had to get drunk one day to at least be happy."

"Well, what about lily. Did she ask why you were crying.?"

"Yeah, and as for lily. I finally did it. We officially broke up."

"Oh yeah, why?"

"So I can officially do this without feeling guilty about it."

"Do - "

A 4th kiss. He kisses me again with his sweet soft lips on mines, I was paprlaized , It felt so good and amazing, THe fireworks are in my stomach. He pulls back and pulls out the flowers he came in.

"If you couldn't tell, these flowers are for you. And Hoping to give me another chance. Maybe more than friends. I know I hurt you really badly and I'll do whatever to make you happy again, I'll make sure you don't cry again. "

I look down on the floor, Do I really want to be in a relationship with Ej. He really did hurt me badly. ...

"Ummm I -"

To be continued


Should I post the Next chapter early than next week?

Alsoo.. I'm writing the final Chapter of this book.   Just thought I'd let y'all know. I'm still figuring it out how i should end it lol.  I don't think i confirm a book 2 out of it so i'm like trying to figure out if I should go years ahead or like still current time.

Also. This book just hit 2k reads! Thank you guys for all the love and time to read my stories as it really means a lot to me.

one more thing.. My stories as of tomorrow are all on Ao3. If you want to read there I'd really apprentice it and I'm currently updating them up to date as well. 

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now