Student coucil Drama

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Few days later
@ the bathroom
Ej, Carlos and howie were all in the bathroom waiting for Ej to finish his 💩
Howie: did you hear Antoine is back?
Carlos: No way! Last time I heard he got expelled in 6th grade for vandalizing mrs.Johnson classroom
Howie: or was it her car?
Carlos: but either way he was totally expelled, but hey maybe there's a states of limitations  for that
Howie: please remind me? What's states of limitation again?
Carlos: Ugh, don't you watch criminal minds! It's like some crime expiration date or something,
Ej comes out of the stall to wash his hands
Ej: it's actually called statute of limitations, and how y'all complaining about
Howie and Carlos: Antonine
Ej: ugh I'm so tired of hearing about this kid, what's his deal?!
Carlos: he was the most popular kid in middle school, but he's back and talk about glow up
While they were giggling, seb came into the bathroom and the looked at stared at him
Ej: can we help you?
Seb: Umm n n no, I just came to use the bathroom
Ej: come on guys, we don't need losers in here!
Howie, Carlos, and Ej left.

While they walked out heading to class they see a paper seb had dropped,
Howie: *scoffs* this dweeb is going student council!
Ej: how in the right mind would vote for him!
Carlos: right! But this gives me a idea..
Meanwhile with Ricky
Ricky was going through his locker when a fimilar face appears
Ricky: oh it's you!
Antoine: yeah Bowen, boxen
Ricky: so your moving back to salt lake
Antoine: yeah we moved around a lot so yeah, my dad retired so we're back in salt lake. That's cool, so how's life been for you
Ricky: been chill, I just been hanging with gang and just living life
Antoine: cool, umm I don't really know anyone so you want to maybe sit next to me today at lunch
Ricky: sure sounds like fun 😄
Bell rings
Antoine: probably should get going to math
Ricky: yeah me too, what are we in the same class!
Antoine : OMG, who do you have?!
Ricky: morson!
Antoine: me too

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now