Performance Day + ...

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The Day before The Play

Ricky and Ej were in Ej's bedroom memorizing their lines and rehearsing over the choreography and everything. Things have been calm for a while now, EJ hasn't started drama between Jet and Him for a while, however, he still gets jealous when RIcky and him have to do lines together. The play was tomorrow, IT was both Ej's and Ricky's final big thing before they graduate. They wanted to make sure their final thing before off to college was a bang.

"You're either Pro Cheerleader, Or Pro zombie."

"It's not fair to pick on Zombie Bucky, It's not fair."

".. and Scene. You did better."

"Thanks, I just want tomorrow to go well."

"Well, with you as the lead and it all, Will be good."

"Thank E." Ricky kisses the Jock's cheek

"Still can't believe that after this, I will be graduating. And off to college."

"Yeah. Speaking of college, we never talked about our plans for college."

".. Ugh these are the conversations I hate getting myself into."

"I mean, you're heading to NYU, and I'll still be in salt lake, unless I get into NYC, but I still haven't heard back. Looks like I won't be getting in."

"I mean, we can always go a long distance."

"I guess, but the odds of any couple standing are very low."

"Well, there will be a couple that outdoes the odds." Ej takes Ricky's hands and puts them around his neck. "You know what they say, we're going to be someday."

"*chuckles* Can you stop this whole Zombies narrative joke? It's getting old."

"But you know it's true,"

"But, we're already here someday."

"See, I guess it does work." EJ smokes and presses agains's RIcky's lips and grabs him into a hug.

The Day of the Play

There are three weeks left till graduation, and today was the big Day. The official production of the Musical play Zombies. Everyone was ready and everything was going alright. They were about to get ready as the play was set to start in 8 minutes.

"WILDCats!" Ms Jenn assembles all to come together to stand next to each other all around in a circle. "You guys have been Preparing, for this moment. You all are going to kill it out there and remember, If you're not in character, Make sure you are. This choreography can get intense in moments but remember to feel the moment."

Everyone looks at each other as they realize the moment is approaching closer and closer. Thay all disband from the circle and head into finishing up Hair and makeup.

As everyone was fixing it up, Ricky was at his station breathing in and out for a minute. HE know is has the pre jitterbugs, and this is not the moment to have them. As he was feeling his anxiety coming, Ej walks over to him and puts his hands on his shoulder slowly moving them.

"You're going to be a great Babe! Nobody isn't as talented as you to get this role."

" Thanks babe, Same goes for you." Ricky pecked his lips real quick on Ej.

"Now, I have to deal with Prepping for graduation, I am not made to give a speech."

"You? Giving a speech?"'

"Yeah, I guess my position does some wonders."

ALL RIGHT EVERYONE! PLACES! It's time for the Opening number!

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