He's not who you think he is.

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Thank you everyone for the birthday love you guys gave me yesterday

I feel y'all are going to drag me for this chapter, but hey. Got to keep up with drama . 


So these next two chapters are happening in the same Day, just in Two different worlds between EJ and Ricky.

Ej's POV

It's been a few days since Ricky's and I's Encounter. Lowkey has been very awkward between the two of us, and I wish things would get better between us, but I don't think that's happening anytime soon. I get it tho, He's hurt and Honestly I think I am too some part.

Today's My work day and surprisingly it is Ricky's Day off. Not going to lie, It's only been two hours. It feels so weird without Ricky around here. I guess it's because I somewhat Like him and he kept me whole, even If we were just arguing about stuff,but hopefully things are awkward after today. I want to be his friend. Fuck it more than friends sometimes, but Im with lil


I turned to see my cousin calling me after I dozed off after I was paying attention.


"You know we're working right? You can't just doze off like that."

"Sorry, my bad cuz."

Honestly feels so glad talking to Ashlyn again, especially after everything

"Hey ash, quick question."

"Sure what?"

"I. I was thinking of breaking up with Lily."

"Oh? Well who?"

"I. I can't say, and I can't rat the person out if you get what I mean, but I feel a stronger connection with them. But I don't know what to do. I don't want to end up regretting it."

"Well, you should follow your heart and I think just trust your instinct."

"Yeah. I should, Thanks ash."

"No problem."

I grabbed my phone and started to pull up Lily's contact. I guess I'm going to do this.


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Honestly I've just been waiting for lily to get her free time of So i can text her, Fuck time zone sometimes, I really shoudln't have to be waiting her people like.


I look up and see two boys enter through the door. One of being Carlos and one of being anthony. Wait NO! That's not his name. WHatever it is he has a seggs tape of me and Ricky so who knows what this guy is capable of.

"EJ! Whatup my dude."

He greeted me with a handshake. God sometimes I miss the gang

"Whos your little friend here" I glared at him,

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now