A party ?

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Ricky and Antoine were at lunch table together  catching up from stuff, talking the whole lunch
Antoine: so what happened to you and mini, did you guys ever become a thing
Ricky: yeah but we broke up, and I actually don't like girls like that..
Antoine: oh, I'm sorry I didn't realize
Ricky chuckles to himself
Ricky: it's Fine, 😅.
Antoine:  well I'm straight, so don't try falling for me 😅😅
Ricky: haha keep my word
Ricky POV: huh,  didn't feel hurt when he said that,  which is weird since i thought i was redeveloping feelings for him, nvm
Ricky: so tell me how weird it is moving back to salt lake
Antoine: it feels like old time,
Ricky: well glad to here ...
Antoine: Hey, I actually got invited to this party, and I got a plus one
Ricky: I'd love too,
Antoine: so tell me how I can beat you in video games

Meanwhile with Ashlyn, seb, and red
The gang were all staring at Ricky and Antoine
Red: do you think Ricky likes Antoine
Ashlyn: totally, It's so obvious
Seb: makes me feel super single despite me,
Ashlyn: what is it seb..
Seb: oh nothing!
Red: well hopefully he knows what he's getting into, Antoine was a bad influence so hopefully he's changed
Seb: see how happy Ricky is, he looks happy with Antoine so let's hope it stays that way
Ashlyn: yep let's hope!

I know it's short but next chapter is can't wait

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now