My New man vs Old Man Part 1/2

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Enjoy! Hope this gives some happiness to some of the broken hearts.


1 week later

Ricky's Pov

I finish putting on my Jeans as I start leaving my bedroom. I'm running low since my ride is here and I'm clearly running a bit for day one but hey, we got this. It's my senior year. I'm going to crush it, I mean I got the looks, got the gang and I got my b-


"OK DAD!" I quickly run with my backpack and make sure I head down with everything.

"Have a good day son. Say hi to E-"

"I will, Bye dad."

I run to the car and I see the passenger seat open. I take a deep breath and get into the car. Seeing Ashlyn, Howie and him.


"Ej..... "

We stare at each other as we look uncomfortable to each other. Then after we broke out into laughter and just sighed as we started driving off.

"Yall need to stop doing that. You guys have been together for a week already, it's getting old."

"Yeah. But it's cuter this way isn't it babe." I said to ej.

"Yeah babe, it is." He comes closer and gives me a kiss on the lips as he uses this thumb to pull us in together.

"here . Got your morning Starbucks. Need to be pumped for the first day of school.

"Aww, you got it right this time. "

"Yeah, Also look on the side. Wrote a personalized message."

I look at the cup and see the Personalized message Ej wrote to me. To my Ricky, Remember that you're handsome and not to feel jealous when other girls stare at me.

"Wow, your ego had to make it into the message,"

" I mean how else would I let my super cute Boyfriend know he's dating me."

"Ugh, I should have never found out about you too. " Howie groans in exhaustion. " I'm so glad I was at summer camp this entire time."

"Yeah, you should be glad. I'm pretty sure Manuel is already sick of the two."

"Hey! In our defense, I really thought he was dating someone. I didn't know his girlfriend was cheating on him."

The four of them arrive at school looking out at East high. Sweet old High school back on our throats.

"Well guys, Our Senior year of high school has officially begun. I mean good for me I have my cousin, Step brother, Friends, and My boyfriend. I think I'm all set for the year."

"Yeah, we'll need each other to survive this year more than ever." Ashlyn says

"But hey, I think I'll be all set. "

"Hi guys, First day, how we are feeling." Big red comes up to the car as we all get out.

"Terrible but what can we do?" Howie complains. I think he misses Summer camp a bit too much.

"Alright I'm out. But before I go."

Ej runs up to RIcky and puts his hands on his cheek and gives him a kiss which later turned into making out.

"Ok bye babe." I said to EJ as me, BIg red and ashlyn walk the opposite way of Howie and Ej.

"Ugh. I hate you too already. It's only been 2 weeks, I regret making him get with you know."

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now