Heart's torn - Let you go.. (Ricky's POV)

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SUPRISE! Decided to give you an extra part this week. 

I have like 4 -5 more chapter left of this book. 


1 week later

Knock Knock

Big red's Pov

I knock on Ricky's door as I hope he answers the door, he's still being Depressed over Ej. I still can't see what Ricky sees in this jock but for some reason it's hurting him badly.

Ugh, Ricky just opened the door. I see him on the floor with paper over the ground and also Ricky on the bed covered in a blanket

"Umm ricky?"


"What the fuck are you doing? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"H he's there. Leave me alone."

"Umm, kinda can't. Everyones worried about you."

"Well, I'm fine!"

"You've been in those clothes since last week."

Rciky continues to make grunting noises and is still slowly dragging himself over the bed.

"This is not healthy ricky."

"I've never felt so paralized and in my life.."

"Ricky, you'll be fine. Ej's is a douche anyways so you can find better."

"But I don't want to. I still can't let go."

"If you're so lonely, maybe leave this room?"

"Everywhere else is just pain. Just like my heart officially a week from today."


1 week ago

Ricky's Pov

Knock Knock

The door opened in front of me and I saw Ej in front of me and he looked me in the eye.

"Umm, hi."

"Hi."You wanted to see me."

"Yes, Uhh lets be outside for this ok."


When Ej called me to come over after the whole fiasco at starbucks, I really hoped he would forgive me after everything, I mean I just admit I was falling for him. Maybe things are looking bright for us?

"So, there's no easy way to say this."

"Umm, is everything ok ej."

"Look Ricky. You know I like you, and I know you like me."

"Uhh yeah ej."

"And I've been thinking about it after everything that happened just three agos and I think it's best. *Breathes in and out* I think it's best if we don't see each other again."

What?? Is he serious?

"What? Ej. N no. Why? Is it because Of Big red or Atnonie. Pl -"

"No ricky! It's not about either of them. It's me. I'm the problem!"

"No, Ej! You're not."

"No IT IS RICKY! Notice how you've had some many problems going because I came into your life. I'm the reason you're going through so much shit! If I'm not in your life, I can't harm you. Y y you'll be happier."

"No I won't Ej! You do make me happier! Please don't do this! It won't end well for me please!"

"I'm sorry Rick, I need to take myself out of the picture.You deserve someone better than me, someone who can actually do the decency of at least not being in a relationship. "

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now