The truths and Lies

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A Drama filled chapter!!

Also tomorrow I start my senior year of High School 😭😭.. Wish me luck


Ricky's POV

Another Day. Another time working my ass off again. And For some reason, EJ hasn't been coming to shifts for the last few days, apparently he got his days off just when I came back. I'm not going to think of anything off it or anything like that but honestly I thought he was here so we could talk and tell him everything's that's been going on.

I walk into starbucks and guess who I saw. EJ finally came back from the dead, finally. He looks like he is staring at his phone in deep text conversation, honestly I don't know who he is texting but I knew Manuel would be upset.

"Uhh, you know Manuel wouldn't like you on your phone during working hours." I came over getting behind the counter setting up. As I mentioned to ej, he ignored me still texting whoever he was texting

"Uh? EJ? You should-"

"Can't YOU SEE I'M BUSY RICKY!" Damm, whats on his ass this morning

"Umm, Sorry. I didn't mean to piss off. Sorry."

"Huh, that sounds interesting."

"Are you ok ej?"

"Well, I'm just trying to get my shit together, you know. Can't just let other people use me you know."

"What the heck are you talki-"

"Boys!" We turn to Manuel and Ashlyn who are ready for work to start. "We're about to open, let's stop chit chatting, get to business, it's Morning so our big money is coming in now."

"You heard him bowen, Just stop talking to me and let's get to work."

He shoves past me as he goes into the backroom. What is his deal?!

Few hours later

Ok, so Ej's been ignoring me so far, not sure why, but clearly somethings up with him, he also keeps looking at his phone. What's so important that we can't at least bicker between us. I know we're not exactly friends or whatever he doesn't need to be an asshole about it. I see a male customer coming up to me looking like they're ready to order.

"Hi, welcome to starbucks. What can I serve you today sir."

"Oh, can I just have a Medicine ball please."

"Sure, is that all?"


I put in the order as I collect his payment as well.

"Hey, uhh. I know this is just so awkward but can I try a pickup line on you real quick." The guy looks at me weirdly.

"Umm," I turn to see ej standing beside the counter making his drink as he stares at the customer and me. "Umm, sure why not."

"Ok. uhh. Are you my medicine? Because You help me feel good."

Yeah that was cheesy and not good, but whatever makes the customer feel good is whatever,

"Oh, yeah that was good, you-

"HERE'S! Your medicine ball sir. Have a good day" Ej came out of nowhere and shoved the drink into the customer's hand with a death glare, is he serious right now??

"Oh, uhh thanks." The customer left and I turned to the Ej grudge.


"What! I just gave him a drink. Chill out."

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now