Heart's torn - Sorry (EJ'S POV)

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I know y'all been waiting, maybe this tease some of the broken hearts I gave Sunday. 


Ej's Pov

"Babe, you've been upset all week. Are you ok? You can talk to me."

"Yes! I'm just emotional, remember! I'm just going through some personal stuff!"

"Ee - but"

"You know what, I gotta go. I'm going to sing again. It makes me feel better."

I hung up on lily. Ugh, she probably hates me now and is so confused. Honestly I can't do anything right, For me, school, lily, or even Ricky. There's this one song that describes my entire Relationship with Ricky. Ashlyn played it for me when she helped me cope and broke down. I've got work in like 45 minutes and can't show up in a Nervous Wreck. Singing has always helped me as a kid. Especially in musicals, those songs are really good. I'm sorry Ricky, I'm Not giving you what you want and someone else will.."

"Alexa. Play the Karaoke version Of Sorry, By Halsey.


... I've missed your calls for months, it seems

Don't realize how mean I can be

'Cause I can sometimes treat the people

That I love like jewelry

'Cause I can change my mind each day

I didn't mean to try you on

But I still know your birthday

And your mother's favorite song

... So I'm sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry that I can't believe

That anybody ever really

Starts to fall in love with me

Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry I could be so blind

Didn't mean to leave you and all of the things that we had behind

... Ooh



... I run away when things are good

And never really understood

The way you laid your eyes on me

In ways that no one ever could

And so it seems I broke your heart

My ignorance has struck again

I failed to see it from the start

And tore you open 'til the end

... And I'm sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry that I can't believe

That anybody ever really

Starts to fall in love with me

Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry I could be so blind

Didn't mean to leave you

And all of the things that we had behind

... And someone will love you

Someone will love you

Someone will love you

But someone isn't me

Someone will love you

Someone will love you

Someone will love you

But someone isn't me

... Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry that I can't believe

That anybody ever really

Starts to fall in love with me

Sorry to my unknown lover

Sorry I could be so blind

Didn't mean to leave you and all of the things that we had behind

... And someone will love you

Someone will love you

Someone will love you

But someone isn't me

And someone will love you

Someone will love you

Someone will love you

But someone isn't me ...

"Damm, what's up with you and Ricky singing Depressing songs?"

I turn quickly to see Big red? What the fuck is doing here.

" Red? What the fuck are you doing here. Here to cause another scene."

"No, YEs I know, I yelled at you but. I'm here to talk to you."


"Look, I know you and Ricky kinda. Well. Uhh, Whatever the heck you two were.. You ended it and -"

"I'm stopping you right there. I know this routine, You try to convince me that I made a mistake and want me to get back with Ricky. I'm sorry but I made my decision. I did it for him."

"Are you sure? Because he's been in bed in the same clothes he came home from that night. He's miserable without you."

"Yeah, I know. But I just can't see Ricky hurt. And Him being with me is causing that. "

"EJ! He's currently devastated without you. He wrote a whole song for you. He said it's hard to let you go."

"He did? Didn't know he could sing. Doesn't matter though, He'll realize I'm actually saving him."

"Clearly, you still have feelings for him. You were just singing a song about how you feel you're not enough to love, was it about ricky..."

"Of course I have feelings for Ricky. I still have all the love for him. I just can't date Ricky."

"Why not? Is it about lily or like what?"

"It's not about lily! She's not the reason, I just can't do it!"

"Then what is it!"


SHit. That's not what people want to know.

"You? You have a trust issue.."

"Yes, young out my biggest darkest secret. Yes. Ej caswell has trust issues."


"I'm not telling you, we're not close enough, just tell that information."

"I know. You should tell Ricky that."


"Look. For some reason Ricky really likes you, I've never seen him devastated about anyone but you. And I'm not sure what the heck he sees you because you're still a self-obsessed Jock. But you made me happy somehow, and I'm just asking if it just made Ricky happy for me."

... Do I really have that much of an impact on Ricky?

"You can listen to me, you can not. But Please know you're hurting both of us."

Red gets up and he leaves the room, closing the door. Shit. Great. Now I feel I have to do the right thing. I'm going to hurt a few people today but I guess I can be sorry later.

"EJ! Hi. Are you ok? You seemed upset." Lily picks up the phone as I call her."

"I'm ok Lily. Umm. Listen Sorry for hanging up on you. But we need to talk.. Seriously "

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now