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New character !
Seb new lover?

A week later
Ricky was getting his stuff out of his locker even he heard singing from the corner stunned holding something
Ricky: oh guys, You guys didn't have too,
Red: we got you something
Ricky opens the wrapping paper to see a custom made skateboard
Ricky: OMG! Just the one I wanted
Ashlyn: and excited news, rehearsals got moved so I can hang after school,
Ricky: great ash,
Bell rings
Seb: see you later!
They all want different direction to class

Meanwhile with seb and Carlos
Seb was walking down the halls when he heard a crowd with people cheering and went up! He goes and sees his own ex giving him a attack
Carlos: so today, I announce that I'm officially running for student council President. You shouldn't have to vote between me and some slut how can't do shit but anything for himself
Seb was looking upset as everyone is cheering for Carlos and walks out!

Seb was in the bathroom when he was cleaning up after having a breakdown and someone opens the door from behind
???: you ok!
Seb: Michael! What are you doing here did Carlos send -
Michael locks the door from behind and gets closer
Michael: look, I know your probably upset, I had no idea Carlos would do that! I feel terrible
Seb: why should I trust you?
Michael: Carlos is my homie, but he has a lot to do before a election
Seb: you can say that again..
Michael: Carlos would only get 1% off kids, you need to get the other 99% . And I feel bad so I'll help you do that.
Seb: Umm thanks! I have no idea what I'm doing.

@ hallways
Ricky is in the hallways walking to class holding his new skateboard when he sees EJs locker decorated making his locker look plain, from across.  while looking Ej comes from the angle seeing the Junior staring at his locker
Ej: jealous
Ej smirks
Ricky turns to see the senior staring at him from a distance
Ricky: I never thought I would take you as the decorating type?
Ej: all these freshman want to be friends and do stuff for me so it's a win win
Ricky: ugh, were you always this cruel
Ej: my locker is spreading cheer and joy 😉
Ricky: why, cause ur a evil clown?
Ej: I wouldn't say evil, I would say mischievous
Ricky: what you do to your own cousin is cruel
Ej: revenge is sweet as news
Ricky: why are you so stuck up
Ej: I would say more of listening to a traitor, now if excuse me I have Spanish next
Ej walks over to his locker with Ricky moving out of the way
Ej: also btw, Happy birthday!
Ej got his textbook and walked out leaving Ricky to walk out to class

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now