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MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE 🎄🎄😍 Hope your enjoying and praising the lord our savior

Few days later
Ricky is still in shock after his quote on quote encounter with Ej. He's dating lily, it probably meant nothing to him. It's the days since it happened. He hasn't saw Ej since today. He was walking down the halls looking at Ej talking to his girlfriend. Ej saw him but quickly turned away upset. Ricky walked past and went to his locker
Red: you ok Ricky?
Ricky: yep! Fine as a bird
Red: come on, i know you Ricky!
Ricky: it's Fine! Trust me! I'm just umm thinking of those sad animal commercials
Red: oh.. now I am too
Ricky: 🥲 let's go red
They both walked out heading to class

Meanwhile with Ej and lily
Lily was talking when Ej was zoning out
Lily: and she stand me up for saying she deserves the bigger dressing room, like bitch no it's else than Anna, not Anna than Elsa and- are you even paying attention!
Ej:huh? Oh yeah
Lily: you doing ok? You been zoning out to everything I've said
Ej: yeah I'm good
Lily: well make sure, can't Fuck anything up in practice today.. not Especially with your cousin trying to take over,
Ej: does there really need to be rivalry between you too.
Lily: is that even a question?! What she did to you! Ugh whatever! Your not going to care
Lily storms off leaving Ej alone there

Meanwhile with Ricky heading to the cafe and sees Antonine in the cafeteria
Ricky: oh hi
Antoine looks up to Ricky and down
Ricky: ok... *Ricky sits down* so everything ok
Antoine: sure... So where you the other day, I never heard back from you
Ricky: oh something came up, I forgot to tell you
Antoine: oh .. well as long your alright * fake smile*
Ricky: yeah
The rest of the time was awkward silence

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now