The new Barstrita

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I'm so sorry for the lack of posting, I lost motivation to write and also haven't had the time due to school. I'm now back and ready for the new chapters every week 😊.

I'm not going to write it out because my lazy ass is too hard to write it out like the way I want 😑. But to sum everything up Ricky and Seb were working on getting Ricky a job and has been to three different interviews and now are waiting to here back from them.  Let's see what Ej up to shall we?

Meanwhile with Ej
Ej is a barista and handed someone a drink
Ej: Thanks for coming  to Starbucks. Have a good day !
The person grabs there drink and leaves moving up another person
Ej: Hi welcome to Starbucks. I'm Ej, what can I -
?????: I know who you are!
Ej: oh, we'll than on? What can I get you today?
??????: For you too stay away from Ricky!
Ej: Umm I'm sorry but I think where talking about two different things here?
?????: You know what I'm taking about!
Ej I'm sorry but I don't even know you!
??????: Antoine! Ring a bell
Ej shakes head
Ej: Oh are that one kid who most of these people were falling for. Yeah I don't know what people see in you?
Antoine: You think this funny! Well it's not going to be funny what I do to Ricky if you find stay away from you.
Ej: First up! Your lucky no one's behind you! Second of all, I haven't spoken to Ricky in weeks so if you care to concearn, then just know we aren't a thing cause I have girlfriend and not even gay.
Antonine: good! And it better stay that way or else, someone unfortunately will see this seggs tape
Antoine pulls his phone off the day Ej and Ricky hooked up
Ej: I, where you get that!
Antoine: no one special! Just. Here's my number and you will not get away with it!
Ej stares at him aggressively and annoyed
Antoine: Oh and o I'll take a Carmel espresso ☺️
Antoine leaves

Meanwhile with Ricky and seb at slices

Ricky: I definitely flucked all those interviews
Seb: No you didn't, so what if you have no experience or if you Umm     sneezed on the manager's shirt
Ricky : ugh why
Seb: Don't give up hope, someone's going to hire you
Ricky: if you think so ..
Red comes by bringing them a pizza
Red: too bad we have no openings, otherwise I sold definitely hire you.
Ricky: it's Fine, It'd be probably better if I hire somewhere we're I know no one works.
Ricky phone rings and he picks up
Ricky: hello
Starbucks manager: Hi is this Ricky Bowen?
Ricky: yeah that's him?
Starbucks manager: Yeah, I've read over your application and your interview and we're interested with you working with us. Are you still available
Ricky got excited for a second
Ricky: Yes! I am
Starbucks manager: Can you come over today to finalize everything and start soon
Ricky: Definitely! I'm my way!
Ricky hangs up and looks at seb and Red
Ricky: Starbucks wants me ! There new barista
Seb: yes, knew you could do it
Ricky and seb High five

@ Starbucks
Starbucks manager: Hi! You must be Ricky! I'm Manuel and I'll be Your manager and one of your employees is in the back and he'll be out soon to introduce himself. I'll be right back with the paper work.
Ricky: ok
Ricky turns his back for a second hearing the back door open and shocking low tone voice
??: Ricky?!
Ricky turns around from happy to upset
Ricky pov: Ej.. Ofc Ej fucking Caswell works at Starbucks
Manuel: Oh looks like you guys know each other. That means there's no problem between the two of you, right!
Ej and Ricky glare at each other
Ricky: Yeah! No problem!

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now