My New man Vs? Another new Man? Part 2/2

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PS This finishes up the other chapter...



Ricky's POV


I turned to see Antonie walking towards me and Ej and I knew I had to do something.

"Hey ej, You want to do me a favor?'

'Yes Ricky."

"Let's make Antnonie jealous.." I give a smirk and EJ gives it back

We crash our lips on each other and start full on making out where we were and start getting intense. People passed by us but I quickly saw Antonie eyeing us looking jealous and sad. He quickly leaves and walks away from us. I pull away and look into him

"I think we're good now. I don't think he will be annoying us anymore."

"I hope, No one can see you except for me."

"Yeah, and I think I'll like that." I smile and give into another kiss."

Looks like I got rid of an "ex" today finally.

"So, I was thinking, The musical is this year and I was wondering if maybe If me and you can try together." As ej was telling me I really didn't know If i should try out for it.

"Umm, I don't know. I mean last year I didn't make the part and It wold be fun but I don't think I'm Theatre equipped. "

"Come one babe, You'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen. "

"Umm, I humilate myself at auditions and because the laughign stock of the night,"

"Well, If anyone laughs at you, Then we will have a problem. !"

"I'll think on it, In the mean while I have to head to 2nd period, Can't let Mr.Mazzara think im late to his class everyday again." I press my lips agaisnt ej I slowly dreadfully leave against his touch.

As I enter into my class I see some open desks around the area with this time, NO Assign seats! Hallelujah! I slowly near the back of the class sitting next as there was a free row in my area. After a while, another Kid started coming into the classroom also looking a bit more introverted, which I'm fine with it. Not like anyone else would mind or not.

"C can I sit here?"

"Sure, I don't mind."

The kid sat next to me not saying a word as he was pretty quiet and also shy on his own end on it.

"Sooo? What's your name?"


"Ok, tough crowd."

"I'm s sorry man. I just don't really have the best time with people and all so."

"That's cool, um I don't think you would need to worry about anythin actually, we don't have to talk at all."

"The kid just smiled and continued with his headphones in his ears staring at his screen."

"It's, Jet by the way.."

"Jet. cool name. I'm ricky."

To be continued


LOl I know its short.

I know I said this was suppose to be my final chapter, but honestly I didn't know how to end it with it cutting it off so small short it felt like. But this storyline does give This Story a settling ending without feeling rushed. I plan to wrote it out in hopefully up to 5-6 chapters left. Sooo Guess this story continues for a while more!

I don't like you enough to be mad at you • Caswen storyWhere stories live. Discover now