War of A Rose • Chapter 7

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I had never had a rat in the family. I had been thorough with every one of my associates when recruiting them. Naturally, there have been attempts, though none have been successful up until now. One had weaseled their way in without me noticing. It impressed me, honestly, but their efforts were futile. And now they would die.

My mother peeled back the blue-grey curtains as a black SUV rounded the fountain in the center of the driveway. "She is here." She straightened her dress and turned to the staircase where Imelda descended the stairs.

"Good morning," Imelda greeted us, gracefully walking towards the front door. Behind her was Alessio, who had just finished working out. A white tank clung to his biceps, and a simple pair of grey sweatpants hung dangerously low off his hips. Both had been doused in sweat. Besides the sweat on his clothes, his face seemed relaxed, and his breaths kept steady.

"Alessio, you couldn't have dressed up for your sister?" Imelda's eyes narrowed as she looked over her son.

"She's not that special, mother." Ignoring her son, Imelda straightened her skirt while my mother moved to open the front door. A blonde stepped through the frame and smiled. Without looking at his sister, Alessio focused his attention on me as I stood waiting to greet our guest. Gabriele moved to stand by my side as the Blonde in front of us pushed her sunglasses onto the top of her head. Together, mine and Gabriele's faces shifted from confusion to rage.

Familiar big brown eyes welcomed us, her mouth in a wide smile. "Ciao!" Her hands shot into the air before her mother smothered her with hugs and kisses.

"Ciao, Liliana." Imelda placed two more kisses on both of her cheeks before pulling away. Lorenzo smiled lovingly while pulling his daughter in for a short hug. Liliana smiled at her father before turning to her brother, who stood smugly watching me.

The amount of disrespect and betrayal I had coursing through my veins right now was monumental but not nearly enormous as my fathers would be if he had learned of Alessio's involvement in planting a rat in our family. It would be a bloodbath. My mother stepped forward to greet the rodent. I sidestepped her and gripped Liliana's upper arms. "Liliana." I bared my teeth in a smile before placing a single kiss on her cheek, trying to retain my rage before I exposed her to my father. Liliana eyed me with a smile as she placed a single kiss on my cheek. I made sure to dig my nails into the skin of her arm before stepping slightly back.

My father looked between us. "You two are familiar with each other?" I took a beat to look from Liliana to Alessio. He stood with his arms crossed. His cruel gaze dared me to tell my father the truth. He was taunting me to do so because when I did, he would empty his gun between my eyes.

"No, father, Alessio was polite enough to fill me in on his family a little bit. I wanted to make sure to welcome his little sister properly." Considering the intrigued expressions of his parents, I could gather that he hadn't included them in his scheme.

Imelda beamed from her son's side, "That was very kind of you, Rosalia. To take the time to inquire about us." Liliana resumed and greeted my parents. I shifted my attention back to the man who stood smirking at me. I'm going to kill him. I crossed the space between us and slipped into Alessio's side.

I smiled through my teeth, "A word. Please."

"Of course, little rose." With my arm tucked under his, he guided me into the next room. I noticed my mom watching from her husband's side. She was nervous. The look in her eyes said everything that she could not. She knew better than anyone when I was lying or not. I had fooled my father and Alessio's parents but not her. I shot her a loving smile as we entered the sitting room.

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