War of A Rose • Chapter 14

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Chapter Fourteen

I knew Alessio had not followed me from his office, yet as soon as the door slammed shut, I took off in a jog down the hallway. Something stung inside of my heart as I remembered the image of his face between her legs. I felt so stupid for allowing him to touch me that way.

When I finally caught up to Liliana in the kitchen, she sat perched on the island talking to a man. He was tall. Almost as tall as Alessio, maybe just short a couple of inches. He wore a simple black tee shirt and black slacks. His biceps were bigger than my thighs, and you could see his toned chest outlined beneath the fabric of his shirt. Liliana was laughing as I entered through the archway.

With a smile wide on her face, she turned to me, "Oh, Rosaelia, this is Niccolò." The rugged man turned to me. A very faint smile, or at least what I thought was his best attempt at a smile, curled his lips slightly upward.

He bowed his head slightly, "Donna Rosaelia." I did not smile back. Instead, I turned to Liliana, who kept ogling the man in front of her.

"Uhm... Niccolò is head of security. He also trains Alessio's men." No wonder he was so huge. An idea popped into my head as I looked back over at him.

"Can you train with me? I used to spar with my cousin back home, but since I can't anymore..." I trailed off, waiting for a response. Liliana cleared her throat and shifted in her seat.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea. I don't think Alessio wants you involved with anything affiliated with the family." A laugh almost escaped me as I stared at the both of them. Alessio did not want me involved with the family business. It was actually hilarious that he thought he could keep me away from it.

"To hell what he wants. I've been locked up in my room for over a week. I'm itching to feel something. Better to be here sparing than out in the field... No?" Niccolò and Liliana exchanged looks.

"I cannot agree to anything without Don Alessio's approval." What a bitch. His muscles were two times the size of Alessio's, yet he was still scared of him.

My shoulders straightened, "Well, I am the woman of this house now, and I am giving you approval." Niccolò turned back to Liliana, who only shrugged in response.

"She is right."

"Thank you, Lili," I turned back to Niccolò, who now stood with his arms crossed—staring down at me.


"Okay fine, meet me every morning at five." The hour was early but nothing I wasn't used to. Besides, maybe if I could get most of my anger out in the morning, then I could have a better day, especially if I was going to be stuck in this house.

"Great. Can't wait." Liliana watched with a smirk.

Niccolò shifted his attention back to the blonde in front of him, "Liliana will be there too, then."

The tea she was sipping almost spewed from her lips. She swallowed hard and coughed lightly, "Liliana doesn't wake before the sun rises."

"Oh, come on, we can spar as well." Part of me enjoyed her company today, but I was still angry with her for her previous betrayal. I think sparing would help me to overcome it. Besides, I only ever saw her baiting at the clubs. I never noticed when she was alone with the men or at the gym.

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