War of a Rose • Chapter 22

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Chapter Twenty-two

I watched her for hours. While she was sitting at that bar, flirting with that old bastard. The only thing stopping me from splattering his brains all over her pretty face, was the reminder that he was already going to be a dead man before the night's end. Her doing or mine, it did not matter. She was oblivious to me, unknowing that I watched her from my VIP section, with a clear view of her rounded ass as she leaned over the dead man's lap to clean her mess. I will punish her for that. I'll have that round ass bent over my own lap when we get home. She'll learn then never to clean up after another man.

I was tempted to storm down there and take her to my knee in front of everyone and make the old bastard watch as I claimed my little rose in his face. Before I could, she stood from her seat at the bar and headed towards the back door. Where are you going little rose? I move down the window as she weaves in and out of the crowd. At first, I genuinely thought she was going to try and escape. Though I hoped she wouldn't be that stupid. When she kept looking back to see if her target was following her, I realized she was coaxing him outside. Smart thinking baby. Except he was still caught up in my sister.

Looking to my second in command, I nod my head to Liliana, "Tell her to fall back and let me know when he is on his way outside."

Let's play a game little rose.

I use my private exit stationed at the back of the VIP section to beat her outside. Already waiting in the shadows when the back door clinked open. My little rose stumbled out, shuddering from the cold air. I watch as her eyes scanned the alleyway, making sure she was alone. I remained silent, thinking of how much more fun it will be if she believes that she is alone out here.

Just when she felt secure with her surroundings, I knock my black steel-toed boot into one of the metal trash cans. A low rattling sound emits, creeping down the quiet street, causing her to jump. Green eyes snap in my direction. Her curls whipping fiercely around her face.

Rosaelia calls and I do not answer. She straightens her shoulders, stepping closer. Brave little rose. Show me those thorns. Come on baby, just a couple more steps.

I wait until she is closer to drag her into the shadows. When she is inches from me, my arms shoot out, gripping her by the hips. Right where her knives are strapped. I press down hard enough for the blades to draw blood. A horrified yelp echoes throughout the street as I jerk her against me. Like always, she fights against my hold.

My voice rumbles, low and dark, "What are you doing out here alone, little rose?" Her thrashing halts, frozen in my hold, I trail my index finger along the sharp line of her jaw. My thumb caresses the perfect soft skin of her full lower lip. Fuck. That red lipstick goes great with her tanned skin and deep green eyes. You are my temptress little rose.

Resisting the urge to claim it with my own, I slowly drag it down, holding it in place with the tip of my thumb. With my other hand, I fist her hair, harshly cupping behind her ear. Rapid, uneven breaths fill the space between us.

Quietly, she breathes my name, threatening to awake something wild inside of me. I tighten my hold on her hair. "Answer me, Rosa."

"I-I'm doing my job." She steps backward—the orangish light beaming down the alley lights only half of my face. I can't imagine how terrifying I might look to her right now. The thought of scaring her excites me. Pressing my body into hers, I trap her against the brick wall.

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