War of a Rose • Chapter 27

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Chapter Twenty-seven

I stick out my bloodied hand while looking down at those blue eyes that were hidden beneath lines of crimson. When he does not take my hand, I shove it further out, growing impatient. Those ice-blue orbs drop to my small palm, "You saved my life." He says, sounding unsure as if he is having difficulty processing it. I'd never seen him, so... Baffled. Alessio is not a man who shows his emotions. He bottles them up and shoves them so far down I'm not sure even he can reach them. Seeing this, seeing him so unraveled, made my stomach uneasy.

I blink as his bloodied hand clasps around mine, "Now we're even." His gaze falters as I pull him to his feet. If I didn't know any better, I might have thought that my words were not what he wanted to hear.

I drop his hand and head for the door, "Come on," I don't stop to check if he is behind me, "I've got a slut to kill." I can't wait to wring her scrawny little neck. That bitch should've kept her head down, and we wouldn't have had a problem. But no, she couldn't get over her obsession with my husband, which almost cost us our lives. I'm going to kill her for that.

I step out of the room, disregarding the corpse already rotting on the floor. For the first time in my life, I walked away, uncaring that I did not know the name which belonged to the life that I had ended. And it felt great.

I stomped through the halls of whatever building we were in. Debris lined the floors. The walls were dirty and cracked, like the room I had been kept in. Maybe it's a warehouse of some sort. I follow the light beaming at the end of the hallway until it leads us outside.

The bright unyielding light makes me cringe. It was still daytime. Which meant I couldn't have been unconscious for that long. Right? That meant that Alessio had come for me as soon as he realized I was missing. Unless I was out for more than a day, it was hard to tell.

I want to ask Alessio how long I was gone, but I don't. I don't have time, "Where's your car?" I spin on my heels, looking back to where Alessio stands a few feet behind me.

He cocks his head to the left. I follow his direction to the black mustang parked down the alley. The realization that I've never seen Alessio drive his own car dawns on me. I slide into the passenger seat, impatiently waiting for him to get in. He takes his time getting into the car, almost as if he is doing it on purpose just to fuck with me. My eyes turn to slits as I send a nasty look his way while he starts the engine, only after he takes the time to buckle his seatbelt.

"Could you go any slower?"

"Relax, baby. She's not going anywhere." Alessio smirks while throwing me a sideways glance, "And buckle up. I don't want to ruin my most precious cargo." He winks before pressing the gas. The sudden lurching of the car jerks me against the seat.

I slam one hand on the dash to keep myself from being tossed into it as he makes a sharp turn out of the parking lot, "What the fuck, Alessio!" With my other hand, I pull the buckle across my lap and secure it.

A low laugh fills the air. He's fucking deranged. A few minutes ago, he was fighting for his life. A few minutes ago, he was wrestling for his life. A few minutes ago, he watched me kill a man in front of him. The blood from that man is splattered on his face, and he's laughing?

"So much for precious cargo." I snap, which only results in more chuckles.

I turn my attention to the window. Wherever we are is not the city. "Where are we going anyways?"

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