War of a Rose • Chapter 30

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Chapter Thirty

Reality came caving in. Quick. As if pulling me from a trance, I lifted my head and leaned back against the wall, "Wait, did you just fucking come in me?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"If I did?"

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I felt the red-hot anger coursing through my veins. Whatever moment we had was ruined. How could he be so careless?

"How could you be so stupid, Alessio? Neither of us is fit to be parents." I wanted to scream at him. I wanted to hit him. I pushed at his chest, making him take a step back from the wall. When my back is no longer pressed against it, I unwrap my legs from his wait as he lowers my feet to the ground. Our height shifts, leaving him towering over me.

"Relax, little rose." He replied calmly. It almost sounded like he was amused. Like he knew something that I did not. I crossed my arms over my breast.

"You can't just come in me and then tell me to relax, Alessio! It's a big fucking deal."

"We can get you the morning-after pill." He reaches beside us, turning the water off. I hated the way he sounded so nonchalant. As if it wasn't serious. Not only did he act so careless, but he was also ignorant.

"I am not just some vessel, Alessio. I am a person, and it is my body." My anger was evident in my tone as I spoke, glaring up at him. His eyes snapped down at me.

"That's where you're wrong. Yes, your body belongs to you, but it also belongs to me, as mine belongs to you." I narrowed at his words, hating myself for being unable to disagree. He was right. I had given him every piece of me, and he had done the same. But this—that is not a game.

"It doesn't matter, Alessio. We cannot have a baby right now." Maybe not ever. It wasn't right to bring an innocent soul into this cruel life. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to my child. Not only would our child become a target for our enemies, but I would also. If anyone learned that I was carrying Alessio's child, my life would be in danger, even more so than it was as just his wife.

"Then we will get you the morning-after pill." He shrugs, stepping out of the shower. I eye him as he grabs a towel from the shelf beside him and hands it to me. That was... Easy. I wanted to question his sudden compliance. But I didn't want to push my luck. Alessio was calm, something I had never seen before, and I didn't want to make him regret sharing that side with me. I pluck the towel from his hands and dry myself as he reaches for a new towel.

"Okay." I agree.

"Okay." He mirrors as he drags the towel across his abdomen, making it hard to look away from his toned chest and stomach. And despite everything we just finished. Despite the anger he had just caused—I wanted him again. I wiped the towel between my thighs, trying to stop the growing wetness.

Tossing his towel into the laundry bin, He nodded to the door, "Now come to bed. It's been a long day, little rose."

"Your bed?" I reply, tossing my own towel into the basket.

"Our bed." He corrects me, that gleam in those blue eyes. Our bed. As this was our house. I smiled at the thought. This was mine. I stared at his defined back as he strolled into our room. He was mine. Naked, Alessio slid under the covers of our bed. I rushed to join him.

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