War of a Rose • Chapter 13

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Four days had passed before I saw Alessio again. The only people that ever came in and out of my room were Natalia and Liliana. Natalie only came when she had to drop off the towels for the bathroom. Aside from asking if I needed anything else, she did not stay to chat. The second I replied that I was fine, she was out the door. Liliana brought me my dinner every evening.  Sometimes she stayed to chat. My wardrobe arrived when Natalia said it would. However, it was not my clothes that were delivered.

It was a new set entirely. Most of which were dresses. Sun dresses. Cardigans and perfect little polos. There were only three pairs of blue jeans. Four sets of black knit leggings and well over ten skirts. It didn't take a genius to conclude that Imelda had picked them out. I left them sitting in the shopping bags for a day before I hung them in the closet. This was my life now. I was a part of Imelda's perfect little fantasy.

The pastel colors of clothes hanging in the closet made me want to puke all over them right before I burned them in front of Imelda's face. I will not wear that outside of this room. She will be angrier the next time she sees me when I show up to breakfast in Liliana's clothes again. My bruises were almost gone. Faint hints of blue and purple still haunted my skin in a few places.

Liliana mentioned last night that she was sure Alessio would send for me today. It was an hour before noon when she knocked at my door, "I brought this outfit for you." It was a black dress that stopped in the center of my thighs. The fabric was soft and clung to every curve of my body. The bruises on my legs were gone.

"Here's a cardigan." The same colored black hid the bruises on my arms.

"Won't this disappoint your mother?" Imelda could shove her little fantasy up her ass for all I cared, but she was the reason I had spent the last four days inside of this room. Surely wearing this would only prolong my punishment.

"She and my father left two days ago," My brows furrowed. "They do not live here. This is Alessio's estate." And yet he kept me locked inside of this room. Here I thought it was mainly because his mother was still whining about the whole breakfast ordeal.

"Of fucking course they don't." I couldn't help the small laugh that filled the space between us. "Tell your brother that he can go fuck himself. I will be staying in this room a little longer." Liliana looked puzzled for a moment. Most likely wondering why I would choose to stay locked up. Honestly, I'm a little surprised that I even said that. Staying in here would only hurt me, but if in the slightest chance it pissed Alessio off that I denied his request, then fuck it.

"Oh, come on, Rosaelia. Just come down to lunch."

I didn't know why she cared if I had left my room or not. She knew that I did not like her, and honestly, I thought the feeling was mutual. I was under the impression that she had only catered to me every evening because her brother made her. Liliana must either respect her brother greatly or fear him because if I were her, I would let her starve. I did threaten to kill her more than once.

"Do me a favor, Liliana, and leave me alone. You and I know you only pretend to care about me because you're scared of your brother. Well, guess what... I am not. As I said, he can go fuck himself."

Liliana did not refrain from firing back, "You can stop pretending that you are invincible, Rosaelia. You aren't proving anything except that you're a bitch."

The door closed behind her, "Yeah, we'll. At least I'm not a coward." The pair of black heels she brought with the dress sat on the end of my bed.

With a loud and very frustrated scream, I hurled one across the room and to the door. Only it did not hit the wood of the door. No, it smacked into Alessio's chest as he pushed the door open. He was not my intended target, but I could not deny the I stand satisfaction that cooled my body. It wasn't like he didn't deserve it. Honestly, I would have felt even better if it had hit his stupid face.

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