War of A Rose • Chapter 18

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Chapter eighteen

Lights shone throughout the streets, even with the sun burning in the sky. People swarmed the sidewalks. Cars flooded the streets. I didn't realize how much I had been missing the city until now when we drove through it. Liliana peered out her window. The last time we were here, she was a part of my family. Now, I am forced to be a part of hers. Rage thrived inside of me. Coursing through my veins as I eyed her. Whatever friendship she believed we were constructing would get a lot harder.

Every time I look at her face, I see my cousin's when he discovered her betrayal. That image alone was enough to coerce me to put a bullet between her pretty brown eyes. For the sake of this scheme, I could not. Alessio would put ten between my own. I peek at where he is sitting in the passenger seat. To my surprise, he is already watching me in the rearview mirror. Shifting in my seat, I move my eyes to Niccolo, who has not even blinked in my direction since we left the airport. While it would have been fun to keep up this game, I'm afraid Alessio might actually kill him if he does. Niccolò evidently believes that, too, since he has concentrated his attention everywhere except on me.

Alessio's eyes stayed on mine as I studied Niccolò while he drove. Alessio can't kill Niccolò if I'm the one doing the looking. Right? Slowly, I ran my eyes down the muscles building beneath his white button-up. They trailed his entire arm. Even his hands were defined and rugged. Veins sprouted as his knuckles gripped the steering wheel. I can feel Alessio's burning glare through the mirror. I'm waiting for him to say something. To yell. To threaten me. The only sound is of the road and traffic outside of our vehicle. I can't even hear a difference in his breathing. Still, that piercing stare burns me. It's enough to make me shift in my seat, so my head is now pressing against the window, out of view from the mirror and Alessio's anger. 

I take note of the street names we took as we drove further into the city. These are the same streets I used nearly every day when I lived here. Only they were starting to become unfamiliar. We are approaching a part of the city where I have never been. Where I was never authorized to go. The Altieri family owned this neighborhood, and at the time, I had no idea that I was their next business transaction. Alessio knew all along who I was. Where I was. We were likely in the same city for years, and he knew. I turn my attention from the window to the back of his headrest and hope that he can feel the icy burn of my own glare.

This was a game to him. It's always been just that. Fuck he could be the reason I was even allowed to come to the states. Something connected. My brows knitted together as my thoughts ran feral. Father constantly rebutted my proposals—every single time. Until one time, he didn't. I stepped into his office, and I knew something had changed. For the first time since I had begun pleading with him, he looked up at me. He actually took a moment from his work and looked at me. I didn't even have to ask that day. He just agreed. For months I couldn't comprehend what could've altered his mind.

Oh, how could I be so fucking stupid? Instinctively, my hands went to my hips, but they met with nothing. My fucking guns. Liliana turned to look at me. Her brown eyes were wide with puzzlement for a moment until they settled on my hands and what they were hunting for for, then they narrowed. "Who are you going to shoot, Rosaelia?"

The blonde challenged from her seat. A sneering smile played on her lips as she drew her fingers across the hem of her sweatshirt. Raising the fabric enough to reveal the black Glock that protruded from her sweatpants. "Might need one of these." Her taunts sent me over. In one scoot, I found myself directly next to Alessio's little sister. I snatch the gun and smile. I have one now, Liliana, and god, does it feel good. It's been over a month since I touched a weapon.

Liliana's smile didn't falter. In fact, it expanded. I gripped the weapon, taunting her with a growing smile of my own. I am smiling because, for the first time in months, I have the upper hand. Why she is smiling, I don't know. There is a gun in her face, after all.

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