War of a Rose • Chapter 31

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Chapter Thirty-one

I couldn't handle the strange feeling inside my chest as I walked away from Rosaelia. It felt as if something was tearing at the thought of leaving her there by herself after I had fucked her. I noticed all the times her eyes would fall or how sometimes she would cry when I left her. At first, I didn't understand why. She tried her hardest to pretend she hated me, but I could see right through that terrible facade because when I came back, something lit up in those green eyes. Something so bright and so raging that she could never hide. It was a fire raging inside those big beautiful eyes.

I lived for that light. I breathed for it. And I would fucking kill for it if it meant that it never dulled. When Niccolò busted into my room, I was fully prepared to empty my gun inside his skull for ruining the moment with my rose—and fully prepared to carve out his eyes if he even blinked her way. I knew something was wrong as soon as I turned to him. My men knew never to enter my bedroom until I permitted them.

When I caught his eyes, I understood that something was wrong. Leaving my rose in bed, I dressed and armed myself. The look on her face as I pulled away from our kiss made my knees weak. No matter how much I wanted to stay with her forever, I had an empire to run, and I had to walk away.

I followed him into the hall, waiting until we were far from my bedroom before I turned to him, "What is it?"

Enzo, Dante, Giovanni, and Pietro all waited in the foyer, "Someone was dropped onto the property." The voice belonging to my hitman replied. I turned to Dante. Red-hot rage pumped in my veins. His words thundered in my ears.

"Who?" I asked quietly.

"Gabriele Romano." The name pierced my ears.

"Fuck." I cursed under my breath as my men parted by the front doors—my little rose's cousin.

"How the fuck did he get here?" No one knew where my estate was. So how the fuck did he find it. I threw open the front doors and stepped into the night air.

"We don't know. He was dropped off at the gates." My conman replied from beside me. I didn't turn to look at Giovanni as we walked down the driveway. I was fuming. My security is supposed to be the best. My men are supposed to be the best, yet somehow, someone found my home. My blood ran cold at the realization. Rosaelia was supposed to be safe here, and now she wasn't.

I turned to my advisor, "Get Liliana to my room now. Tell her not to leave Rosaelia's side." Pietro nodded before heading back to the house.

As we stopped in front of the open gates, the men stationed outside of them turned to me. They lowered their guns with their heads as they accepted their fate. They were trusted with my family's safety, and they failed to keep them safe. I would kill them for their failure but not because they were unable to protect me. They failed to protect the most crucial thing inside that house. My flower. My rose. And they would lose their lives for it.

I passed them, not even acknowledging their existence as I stopped in front of the body on the ground. I nodded back to the two men, and Dante raised his gun in silence. I crouched down to get a better look at his face. We were surrounded by darkness aside from the few lights that lined the gate. His face was bloodied and bruised. His clothes were dirty and ripped, contaminated with the blood from the wounds that covered his body.

"Gabriele?" Someone croaked from behind us. I stiffened at the soft voice. Slowly, I stood and turned with my men. All of us looked down at the trembling woman. And I felt that feeling inside my chest again. This time it felt like something was shredding when I looked into those watery green eyes. I looked at the blonde behind her. My sister stood in the darkness. The dim light shone on half of her face. I could see her eyes watering at the man on the ground, and I couldn't understand why.

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