War of a Rose • Chapter 35

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Chapter Thirty-Five

The twisted thought forced its way into my mind. If I had still allowed myself to be blinded by the search for power, I might have listened to it. But I was no longer that woman. I was not Rosaelia Romano anymore. I was Rosaelia Altieri, and I do not need to search any longer. I had finally found the top. And my throne was golden. In the way that his was next to mine. But the war wasn't over.

Alessio's breath hitched in the back of his throat as I leaned to rest my head against his, "My father is going to kill me, Alessio." A single tear slid down my cheek. His thumb swiped across that wet trail, wiping it into oblivion.

"I'm not going to let that happen, Rosaelia." Alessio's deep voice was fierce as he spoke. I might have believed him, but I knew that his words were a false promise. It wasn't a matter of if but when Alessio finds out my secret. And when he did I knew my father would be right. Alessio will hand me over to him. This betrayal has gone to far. He would never forgive me for this. Even I f I didn't physically end his life, this lie might.

I was so angry with myself for being unable to lie to him. I should have faced those cruel eyes and told him that I felt nothing, but I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I had done that. I was already suffering enough with my mother's death. I couldn't grieve his absence too. My soul couldn't take it.

"We will never work for each other. Love is not meant for this world." I argued, attempting to pull away from him, but Alessio held me against him.

"Then to hell with this world. My soul is yours, little rose, and I will find you in every lifetime and every world." He declared, ending his words with a deep kiss just above my eyebrow. I breathed in his scent and lost myself to my tears. I wanted so badly to be strong, but he made it too difficult.

I hope that is true, Alessio. I hope that you are not blinded by your anger when you discover the truth. He leaned down so that his lips were brushing against mine.

"I'm sorry about Gabriele." I leaned back at his apology.

"You're apologizing?" I mocked him, unable to hide the smug smile pulling at my lips. Alessio's eyes narrowed down at me.

"Don't make me regret it, Rosaelia. You are the only person who has heard those words from me." I frowned at his use of my name. His expression shifted as he noticed the change in my features.

Lifting my chin, he asked, "What is it?"

I stared into those beautiful eyes and said, "Everything sounds so serious when you use my full name." I admitted while palming his chest, "Little rose will do." A chuckle tore through his chest as he looked down at me.

"Am I forgiven, little rose?" I cocked my head to the side at his question, drawing my gaze around the room. The suspense was killing him. I knew it when his hands shot around my waist. My shriek filled the room as Alessio flipped our positions.

I was now pressed against the side of the bed with my back turned to him. My knees pressed into the hard floor as he bent me over the mattress. Heat swarmed my cheeks when I felt the hard bulge in his pants as he pushed against my ass. Leaning over me so that his abdomen was pressed into my back, he taunted in my ear, "It's been too long since I've tasted you, little rose."

A tremor dripped down my spine. I lifted my head from the mattress and attempted to crane my neck to look back at him. Alessio's hand twisted roughly in my hair before he shoved my face into the duvet. I pulled in a deep breath. I felt his other hand slipping beneath the hem of my satin pajama shorts. The chill air sprayed against my naked bottom as he pulled my shorts down my legs. Using his knee to spread my legs, he rubbed at my clit. I bit my tongue. A loud smack rang throughout the room as he slammed his palm against my pussy. I thrashed under him, crying out from the stinging sensation. I pushed against the hand in my hair as I lifted my face from the bed.

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