War of a Rose • Chapter 39

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Chapter Thirty-nine

"I have to leave now," Alessio whispered against my forehead as he planted a kiss. I snuggled into the warmth of his embrace, clutching the crumpled sheets to my chest. Although we hadn't slept, he insisted I remain in bed a little longer instead of walking him to the door. I peeked at the pinkish-orange light barely filtering through the blinds and smiled. Alessio had devoted every second to me before his departure, despite feeling sore and drained, I wouldn't have it any other way.

"I'll be back on Sunday." I leaned into the warmth of Alessio's lips as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I hugged the wrinkled sheets to my chest as I slid to the edge of the bed. I had wanted to see him out at the front door but he insisted I stay in bed a little while longer, considering we hadn't even slept. Smirking to myself I glanced at the windows and at the pinkish-orange light that hardly slipped through the blinds. Alessio had made sure to spend every single second with me before he had to leave. And while I was beyond sore and exhausted, I wouldn't have it any other way.

He leaned down to give me another kiss, this time on my lips, "I love you little rose."

"I love you, Don Alessio," I whispered against his lips, purposely letting the soft skin of mine brush against his. A low groaning sound filled my ears just as his hands slid around my neck. His right hand slid up to cup my cheek while the other firmly squeezed my throat. I flicked my eyes up to his blue ones and smiled when I saw the twisted grin on his face.

Leaning down so that his mouth was adjacent to my ear, he taunted, "That was low," A cold chill ran down both my chest and spine as his teeth grazed the skin of my ear. I reached for the sheet, trying to warm myself with it until I noticed it was no longer wrapped around me. Alessio traced the line of my jaw with licks and kisses, "Teasing me before I leave."

Despite the pressure against my neck, I smiled, "I had to take the opportunity. It's the only chance where you can't punish me." Alessio pulled his head back at my comment. Looking down at me, those blue eyes turned frigid.

Cocking his head to the side, he continued, "You think that I won't bend you over my knee right now?" My mouth ran dry at his question and with the tightening grip on my throat, I found it hard to swallow. The aching spot between my thighs begged me to shut up, but the sick twisted thing inside of me taunted me to continue.

My mouth was dry at his question, and I found it hard to breathe with his tightening grip on my neck. However, I managed to reply, "The guys are waiting for you."

His smirk widened, "Good thing I'm the boss, then."

"You hate being late." I attempted to distract him, hoping it would work.

"You're right, but not as much as I love hearing you scream as I spank your ass until it's red and raw," Alessio responded as he prepared to flip me over. Suddenly, his earpiece lit up blue, and I silently thanked the impatient friend waiting for him downstairs.

Alessio licked his lips, his jaw tight, "Unfortunately, that will have to wait until I return." His hand trailed down my neck to my collarbone.

"Be a bad girl while I'm gone, little rose," he commanded.

I cocked my head, confused, "Shouldn't you want me to be good instead?"

He shook his head, grinning sickly, "No, because then I wouldn't have a reason to punish you." I pushed him away, "Go before one of your henchmen comes looking for you." He leaned down for one last kiss. I cherished the warmth, feeling empty when he pulled away.

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