War of a Rose • Chapter 41

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Chapter Forty-one

I swallowed the bubble in my aching throat and stepped in between the line of trees. For several minutes there were only the sounds of nature as it began to wake. The high-pitched hums of the morning birds sang through the tops of green. The earth crunched beneath my feet as I weaved through the endless sea of brown and green. And behind me, something else crunched like a twig had been snapped. Whirling around I faced whoever had been following me.

Except... There was no one. Nothing... Only the same trees that had just been in front of me. I couldn't see anyone, but I could hear the tunes of the birds stopping, humming low and quieter than before until there was absolutely nothing. Until they were gone and the only sound left was my own heart drumming in my ears. Feeling sick, I fled in the direction of the house, hoping that whoever had been out here with me would follow me.

Back in the garden, I passed the tool shed. Inside, something rattled, beckoning me to investigate. I draw my gaze back to the house. Alessio should be here any minute. Maybe I should wait for him... But what if it's Enzo in there? What if he's hurt? Unable to stomach leaving him, I turn back to the shed and pry open the wooden doors. Despite the almost fully lit sky, the shed was as dark as night inside. There is no way I'm shutting these doors. Again that rattling sound bounced off the wooden walls, inviting me as I stepped into the threshold.

"Bella Bella Bella," A haunting voice called from the shadows, "Did you miss me?"

The earth swayed beneath my toes, robbing the air from my lungs. I couldn't breathe. Couldn't think. Couldn't determine if what I was seeing was actually real or if it was some sick trick my own mind was playing on me. I heaved until my own vomit puddled at my feet and shook as if I was freezing even though every inch of my skin was hot and slick with sweat.

"This isn't real."

"But I am baby. I came back for seconds." The illusion grinned as they stepped forward making me step back. But this wasn't an illusion. They weren't an illusion. He was really here and I felt like I was dying. I shut my eyes, unable to look into his any longer. Gripping my hair at the scalp, I wanted to yank it out. I wanted to scream, to run, to kill him. But I was paralyzed. I was back on the cold floor of my father's office and this man, he was on top of me. Raping me while I just laid there, waiting for it to be over.

I could feel his hands as he ripped at my clothes. I could feel him now as he tugged me to the ground. I opened my eyes as he lay on top of me, pinning me to the earth. That sick, unnerving smile looked down at me as he ripped my gun from my waist and threw it too far to reach.

"I wonder if it's still as tight as the first time," His breath was hot as it slid down my cheek, "Or has that husband of yours stretched you out?"

"Maybe he let his men take turns just like your daddy did."

I wanted to puke again. I heaved and heaved as if I was going to but there was nothing left in my stomach. Warm tears slid down my face as he ripped open my shirt. Or maybe it was my bra he was tearing? I couldn't look. I didn't know if the ripping sound ringing in my ears was from my him cutting my pants or my panties. The only thing I could see was the pure horrifying joy in his eyes as he lined himself up at my entrance.

"No." My voice trembled.

"What was that baby? You want it harder this time?" He mocked, sliding his slick-hot tongue down my cheek. I craned my neck upwards.

"No," I said again, this time louder as I stretched my arms above my head.

I reached for the only thing that could save me. Gripping the wooden handle of a shovel, I screamed a rage-filled shrill that could have been compared to a war cry as I brought it down on top of his head. He looked up at the last second, watching as the side of it pierced his skull, splitting his head in two.

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