War of a Rose • Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-nine

Alessio stood, lifting me in his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and held onto him as he began to walk forward. Our kiss never broke. One hand remained tucked under my thigh as the other reached for something behind me. Cold water pelted down on us as he turned the shower on. The chilling sensation slid down my spine, igniting a sea of goosebumps across my skin.

I pull back from the kiss, gasping as the freezing water washes the dried blood down my face. Through the red water, I look into those blue orbs. The blood that was splattered across his face slipped down his neck as it did mine. I breathe in, captivated by them. Keeping his gaze, I pinched the buttons of his shirt and began to undo them. When the fabric was separated, I raised my palm to his hard chest. I didn't get to appreciate the perfectly sculpted masterpiece as much as I wanted to. Alessio lifted my own shirt above my head, leaving only my jeans and bra.

The water finally began to warm as I unbuttoned his slacks. At the same time, he unzipped my jeans. I tugged his pants down and began to unclip my bra while he worked to slide my soaked jeans over my curves.

Strong hands gripped my wrists, preventing me from proceeding, "Ah ah." Alessio shook his head with a smirk. My brows pinched together as I looked up at him. What is his problem?

When his grip loosens, I let my hands fall back to my sides. He reached behind me and unclasped my bra himself. Slowly, he slid the straps down my arms. The freezing water had collected in the padding of the cups. When the chilling fabric brushed across my nipples, they hardened instantly.

His gaze dropped to the pink buds. I sucked in a breath as he pinched the right one between his forefinger and thumb, using his free hand to grope my left breast. I arched my back, pressing myself into him. His hardened cock pressed into my thigh, awaking that pit of molten lava deep inside of me. Reaching down, I gripped his length with one hand and his balls with the other.

His head flung back in response, "Fuck, little rose. You hold my life in your hands when you do that." Alessio groaned. That husky tone was a symphony in my ears. I never wanted it to stop.

I looked up with a devious smirk, "Good."

"Little minx." I was lifted off the ground in one swift movement. Once again, I had my legs wrapped around his waist. This time his throbbing cock pressed against my entrance. A shudder crept down my spine as he slowly thrust his hips up, rubbing himself between my pussy lips. A cry of pleasure tore through my throat as the tip of his cock slid against my clit. I was held up with one of his hands gripping my ass, and the other pressed into my back as he twisted my curls around his fingers.

"So fucking beautiful." His admiration made my desire unbearable. I couldn't wait any longer. I reached between my thighs and gripped his shaft, steadying it at my entrance. Just when I had it lined up, my back was slammed against the stone wall. A wave of pain shot between my shoulders. I grimaced, leaning against the cold surface.

"Not yet, little rose. Tell me what you want." Alessio demanded. I groaned in annoyance, frustrated by the fact that he had already asked me this question, and I had already told him. Defiantly, I kept my mouth shut.

As I suspected, Alessio did not take well to my disobedience. The hand that was gripping my ass lifted, and his body pinned me against the wall. A loud wet smack sounded as his palm slammed into my ass cheek. I cried out at the impact and the stinging sensation it left in its wake.

"Don't make me repeat myself, Rosaelia." Hearing my name roll off his tongue sent me over the edge. As much as I wanted to fight for dominance, I wouldn't. I needed him too much right now. Although, I hate to admit that I secretly love it when he is rough with me.

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