War of a Rose • Chapter 43

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Chapter Forty-Three

As the weeks passed, the tension in the air grew thicker. Everyone in the family was focused on preparing for the Masquerade ball, the event that would mark the turning point in our battle against my father, Domenico. We all flew back to Alessio's family estate in Italy where his mother and father greeted us. I knew that Imelda wasn't keen on the war we were brewing but she said nothing. I couldn't tell if it was because she might have felt sorry for me or because she knew that her son was in love with me and she had lost her place at the top.

I spent most of my time in Alessio's study, strategizing with Alessio and the others. We discussed every possible scenario, every move my father could make, and every countermove we could take. Meanwhile, outside the study, the the staff was busy with their own preparations. There were seamstresses, makeup artists, and hairdressers coming and going, ensuring that everyone looked their best. It was a strange sight to see, my usually tough and gritty family members fussing over their outfits and appearances like a bunch of debutantes. Enzo was probably the most dramatic of all. He had his suit redone twice already, claiming that the green color wasn't the right shade and it made his skin too washed out. He had been the only one to make jokes about our situation.

But I knew that this wasn't just about looking good for the ball. It was about projecting an image of strength and power, one that would make my father think twice before trying anything. We had to show him that we were not to be underestimated.

As for me, I had never been one for fancy dresses and elaborate makeup. But for this event, I knew I had to make an exception. I wanted to look my best, to show my father that I was no longer the little girl he could control.

I spent hours trying on dresses, each more beautiful and intricate than the last. Finally, when I had stumbled onto a beautiful blue one, I felt like it was the one. But then Alessio stepped into our bedroom. I held the dress up to my body, dressed in nothing but panties. I felt his eyes sizing me up the second he stepped into the room.

"As beautiful as you would look in that," He said lowly while moving to stand behind me. I watched him in the mirror in front of us. Bumps sprouted across my skin as he placed soft kisses along my shoulder, "There is a traditional dress that has been passed down for the wife of the boss."

I craned my neck, silently begging him to keep the kisses going, "Let me guess. Your mother insisted I wear it?"

"While she would have a fit if you didn't, no she didn't even mention it."

"As the head of the Altieri family, I would like to keep the tradition going."

"Okay. I'll wear it."

"I'll have it tailored to fit you. I already know your sizes so no one will bother you with that, but I'd like to keep it a surprise until it's time to wear it." He said, brining a hand to waist and gripping the skin of my hip.

"Okay, Don Alessio." I said, hoping to awake the beast inside him. Those blue eyes flickered up at my reflection in the mirror and as that cold gaze turned hungry, I knew that I had succeeded. I couldn't help but grin as Alessio's grip tightened on my hip, his eyes never leaving my reflection in the mirror. I knew exactly what I was doing, teasing him like this, but I couldn't resist the thrill of seeing that raw desire in his eyes.

Alessio's lips curled up into a smirk as he leaned in, his breath hot against my ear. "I love it when you call me that, little rose." My heart raced at his words, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine. There was something about the way he said it, the way his voice dropped an octave lower, that made my body feel alive.

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