War of a Rose • Chapter 45

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Chapter Forty-five

I couldn't get enough of the way his body fit against mine. The feeling of being consumed by him was almost addictive, and I could have stayed like that forever. Just us. Our bodies fused as one. But as the reality of this life came crashing down, weighing over me, I knew we couldn't stay there forever. Alessio remained inside me, his cock still hard and throbbing against my walls. His breaths still heavy against my skin as he held onto me.

Goosebumps trailed his hands as he ran them up and down my hips. The heap of fabric bunched between us was making it harder to breathe. Still even then, I didn't want to move, didn't want him to let go of me. But he did.

I let out a soft whimper as he slid out of me, the cold air hitting my naked body as the skirt of my dress fell down to my feet. He stepped back, his warmth leaving me completely. I couldn't help but shudder against the cold wall, my body still plastered against it.

Alessio's words snapped me back to reality. "As much as I want to stay here and worship every ounce of you, we have to get back," he said, concern etched on his face. "Your father could show up at any moment."

I peeled myself off the wall, nodding silently, knowing that he was right, "I know," I whispered.

"Everything's going to be okay." Alessio's calloused hand cupped my cheek, I leaned into his touch, taking comfort in his warmth. And his eyes met mine, "Everything's going to be okay," he said, the words sounding more like a prayer than a promise.

I knew he meant them, but he couldn't guarantee it. Not really. Not when we had chosen this life, a life of blood and power. There was no promises in this life. No security and I learned that the second my mamma was murdered by her own husband.

"Go clean yourself. I'll be inside." He placed one last kiss on my forehead before he headed down the hall and back into the ballroom. I leaned my back against the wall, watching as he walked down the hall and I knew then that I couldn't lie to him any longer. I had to tell him the truth.

I pushed off the wall and headed to the bathroom to get cleaned up. By the time I had finally found it my thighs were already sleek with Alessio's cum. I wet some toilet paper and wiped at them. Before I could finish, someone pounded on the door. I dropped the skirt of my dress, straightening as a muffled voice came through the door.

"Just a second!" I called back. Whoever stood on the other side must not have heard me or simple didn't care. I watched the knob turn and only then did I realize that I had forgotten to lock it. I dropped the paper into the trash and turned to greet the impatient person stumbling through the door.

A black haired woman tumbled past the threshold, her black dress getting caught under her heals as she rushed inside.
"Thank god! I was about to loose it. Some ass spilled his wine all over me," She shrieked, motioning to her sold black gown that appeared perfectly fine, "And now my mascara is smudged!"

I gave her a single look before I tried to squeeze past her, showing her that I didn't care about her or her dress. She huffed, stepping further into the room. Just as I reached for the door her arm shot out and wrapped around my wrist.

"Wait," I froze as my eyes fell on the hand clutching mine. "You're Rosaelia," I said in a breathless whisper. She made no move to release me, and her gaze followed mine.

"And you are?" I stared at her, my thoughts racing as I tried to make sense of the situation. Who was this woman to lay hands on me like this?

"Serena," she replied.

"Great. Serena," I said dismissively, trying to pull my hand away. She held on, her grip surprisingly strong.

"I'm sorry. I'm just shocked. Surprised, really," she said, shaking her head.

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