War of a Rose • Chapter 33

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Chapter Thirty-three

It had been two days since I had last seen Alessio. The only person that I allowed inside my new room was Liliana. No one else bothered. I was sure I had ruined whatever chance I had at building friendships with Alessio's cadre. They believed that I had tried to kill one of them. I would never be forgiven for that. I couldn't blame them, either.

Alessio only came to the door once. He didn't even knock. He just called my name once outside the door. Little rose, he had said, and I had not answered. I pulled my blanket over my head and turned in the opposite direction. He did not return after that. And I was glad. I spent every moment of those two days beating myself up for being so naive. I let my guard down around him, and he took advantage of me. It would never happen again.

Liliana was just as angry as I was. At first, I didn't understand why but then I remembered that she knew Gabriele from the time she spent in our care. Clearly, she had formed some kind of affection for him, and seeing him like that and not being able to help him because her brother wouldn't allow us to infuriated her. I heard them yelling last night. Other than me, I had never heard anyone raise their voice at Alessio. Even her. But she did last night, and since then, she hasn't left my room.

"I can't believe him. I hate him." She rambled from her spot on my bed, tugging half the blanket around her, "And I actually mean it this time." She added.

"He's so infuriating. Just when I thought we understood each other, he fucked it up." I mumbled as I tugged my half of the blanket back. We had been doing this since she stormed in here last night. Every time she would pull too much of it, I tugged it back, and it just kept going, both of us too stubborn to stop.

She rolled over at my words. Now facing me, she propped her chin onto her elbow, "Go back. You understood each other? Is that code for you-" I cut her off before she could finish.

"Yes, Liliana. Your brother made me believe he wanted me, and then he fucked me over." I admitted, feeling every ounce of embarrassment. Her lips thinned as she took in my confession. It was almost like she didn't believe me.

But then she replied, "I'm sorry, Lia."

"Me too, Lili," I rolled onto my back, "Me too."

"You're the first woman he's ever brought here, you know?" I glanced over at her.


"Not making excuses for him or anything, but I'm serious. He has never trusted anyone but us to bring them to our home." She admitted. Not estate. Home. This was their home.

"I guess that's why he's so on edge about Gabriele. How he's handling it is fucked up, but I can't say that I don't completely disagree. We have never had anyone that we didn't tell about this place come here. So anger aside, a part of me can understand why he is angry." She explains, trying to defend herself as she speaks.

I suppose she wasn't wrong. But it wasn't okay for him to be treating Gabriele this way. He wasn't a stranger. He is my family, and that should've been enough for Alessio, "He's still wrong, Liliana." I bit back a little too harshly.

"I know, Rosaelia." Her brown eyes slide to mine as she agrees, tugging the blanket back. I roll my eyes and let her have it.

Her words ring in my ears. I couldn't tell if she was here to defend him all along and just had to work it in slowly or if she genuinely changed her mind once she realized that she might be blinded by her anger. A knock at my door pulled both of our heads in its direction.

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