War of a Rose • Chapter 21

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Chapter Twenty-one

I can no longer see Alessio, but I know he is here. Lurking in the shadows like before. Glancing at the man leaning against the wall, I push myself off the ground. Straightening the fabric of my dress as I drunkenly stumble into the light, except for the fact that I am now completely sober. Fighting for your life will do that.

Instantly identifying me, Pedro kicks his foot off the wall, "What is a pretty little lady like yourself doing out here all alone?"

"I thought it was the restroom. I tried going back in, but the door was locked." I shrug, innocently smiling. Doing my best to dismiss Alessio's preying eyes, I step closer to Pedro.

"Seems like Jen was right after all," He stops in front of me. Looping one of my curls around his dirty finger, "You have had way too much to drink if you can confuse the door marked with big red letters spelling EXIT for the toilet." My brows hitch at the mention of her name. Come to think of it, where is Liliana? There is no way she would have just given up and let him follow me out here.

"Where is Jen?"

"Oh, don't you concern yourself with her. She clearly isn't worried about you. Why else would her friend wander out in this dark alley all alone." I can't tell if he was trying to sound threatening or not. Whatever his efforts, they were anything but successful.

The darkness did not disturb me. Standing alone in the night did not intimidate me. What terrified me was the thought of not being alone in the dark. With Alessio hidden inside the darkness—waiting for me to come close enough to drag me into the abyss. That was far more unnerving than being alone. More dreadful even than the human trafficker twirling my curls around his fingers.

His lips twisted upwards, rotted teeth and all; he grinned, "I know a lot of men who would pay a pretty penny for you." Snaking his arm around my lower back, he tugged me into him, "Still, a beautiful woman like you, I can't help but want to keep you for myself."

"I'm sorry?"

"Oh, do not worry, dollface," He purred, dragging one of his dirtied fingers down my cheek, "I'm a lot nicer than the others." I recoil beneath his touch. Tears brim my eyes as I attempt to take a step away from him. The arm wrapped around my waist tightens, holding me in place. The finger, drawing lines down my cheek, swipes at an escaped tear.

"Please, I just want to go back inside."

"But we're all alone out here. No one like your little friend to get in my way," Pedro teases, his hot breath sliding down my face. So fucking disgusting. It smells like he has never taken a toothbrush to his teeth before. I cannot suppress the gag it summons in its wake, "Something the matter, Dollface?" His other hand trails up and down my arm.

"Let me go back inside," I beg this time, my voice shaky.

"See, I can't do that, darling. You cost me that other girl earlier. I owe my boss, someone. Besides, you're far prettier than her." He dips his head just below my ear and sniffs. My stomach twists at the action. I knew he was going to kidnap that poor girl. After tonight he will never hurt another woman. A yelp of surprise echoes throughout the alleyway as he tosses me against the wall of the club.

His eyes land on the golden dress shielding my body, "And this dress. Perfect for the auction. The way it sticks to your curves like a second skin is just delicious." I grimace at his choice of words.

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