War of A Rose • Chapter 16

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Chapter Sixteen

The moment didn't last long after that. My senses kicked in before either of us went any further. I couldn't find the words to respond to his declaration so instead, I pressed my lips back to his, hoping that he would let it go. Seconds later, Alessio's tongue dragged across my collarbone. Causing goosebumps to run down the sling of my arms and legs, raising the hairs. Moving dangerously close to the center of my breast. This is wrong. I am not supposed to desire him. My mind could comprehend that but the raging fire between my thighs begged me to go further. No. I wouldn't allow it to betray me, I drew my neck back so that his mouth was no longer on my skin. The absence only causing the ache between my legs to grow.

Alessio kept his hands wrapped tightly under my thighs as he pressed me against the wall. A couple seconds passed before he noticed my discomfort. When he did he drew his mouth back looking up with furrowed brows. My eyes fell to his lips as they parted as if he was about to say something. I cut him off before he could, "I'm not ready." The ache between my thighs said otherwise. In an instant, he dropped my legs and I pressed them firmly together. The wetness pooling into my panties caused my face to blush red.

His hands were still pressed into the back of my thighs, just under my ass. For a moment I stared up at him wondering if he really meant it when he told me before that he wouldn't touch me until I begged him to do so. The hunger in his eyes leads me to believe otherwise. True to his word, Alessio withdrew his touch and took a couple of steps back. His eyes raked over my disheveled appearance. My hair was knotted from his grip. The fabric of my night slip was all wrinkled with one side still hanging around my hips, tucked under the fabric of my lace panties. I plucked it out while straightening my shoulders.

If I wanted him to believe that I was innocent then I had to tell him the truth about what happened with my father and his men. I just prayed that he would allow me to seek my own revenge. The thought of admitting to Alessio that I was raped made my throat go desert dry. There was an awkward silence as I willed myself to open my mouth and tell him the truth.

Just as I worked up the courage to do so, Alessio fixed his shirt and headed down the hallway. Barely even giving me a second glance, "I need to go check on my sister." He didn't turn back as he spoke. He kept walking until he disappeared down the staircase.

Liliana. I hadn't seen her since she left last night. If I was going to be her friend then I had to make it look like I cared about her well-being. Plus, it could earn me a point with Alessio if he saw that I cared for his little sister. I made quick steps to my bedroom to change. When I was dressed I went straight to Liliana's room.

The door was cracked open as I approached it. My knuckled knocked softly against the wood before I pushed it open wide enough for me to step inside. Liliana sat perched on the edge of her bed in a thick white bathrobe. Her blonde hair was soaked as it hung down her shoulders. She had clearly just showered. I shifted my gaze to Alessio who stood by her desk.

Liliana's brows knitted together as she looked between me and Alessio, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay." It was obvious that she did not believe me. Still, she played along by telling me thanks.

"Are we done with the party in my room? I'd like to get dressed now." Alessio looked at his sister one last time before making his way to the door. My breath hitched in my throat as he stopped directly beside me. Our bodies are mere centimeters from one another.

"Be careful with my sister, Rosa." His words came out in a whisper and as I kept my gaze on Liliana who was focused on combing her hair, I was sure that only I heard him. I didn't need to look at his face to see that it was a threat and not a warning. A completely valid one at that. He knew how I felt about their previous betrayal. Alessio was smarter than I gave him credit for. It was going to be a pain in my ass to win him over.

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