War of a Rose • Chapter 40

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Chapter Forty

I pulled my hair into a ponytail using the hairband on my wrist before heading back to my room. Alessio's spare gun was in the bottom of his dresser. I checked the magazine, making sure there were enough bullets for the intruders who had broken into my house. I was filled with nothing but red-hot rage. I was ready to take them all down. Just as I shut the bottom drawer of Alessio's dresser, the bedroom door clicked.

I only had a second to slide under the bed. Thankfully, it was wide enough for me to fit without struggling. I rolled onto my back as the intruder stepped into my room. I pressed my head against the cold floor and smiled as I looked up. Attached to the frame of our bed were two black knives. I should have known Alessio would have every inch of this house filled with weapons. I silently thanked my husband for his insanity as I slid the knives from the frame.

I turned back to the door and waited for the intruder to come close enough for me to reach. Rolling onto my stomach, I turned so that my feet were stretched to my side of the bed. I watched as the intruder neared the bed.

"I know you're in here. You stepped in the blood. Not very smart for the daughter of a boss. Couldn't even check to see if you left footprints." They taunted, their voice raspy like a lifelong smoker. It was a man and he was getting closer. Come on you bastard just three more steps. I waited for him to walk away, but he didn't. He faced his ankles towards me and stepped back, not as close as I had hoped but just enough. My hands shot out, gripping the knives in each one.

"Fucking bitch!" He fell forward as I sliced the back of his ankles and pulled myself as quickly as I could put from under the bed. He twisted on his knees, drawing his gun from his belt. I slammed the blades into each side of his neck before he could pull the trigger. I couldn't see his eyes, but I heard the gurgled sound as he choked on his own blood.

"One down." How many to go? I let the knives drop to the ground, not bothering to wipe the blood from my hands. I grabbed his gun and slid it into the waistband of my pants. Quietly, I stepped into the hall and followed the trail of blood to Liliana's room. I pulled in a deep breath before I pushed the door open, ready to shoot whoever was inside.

The blood stopped on the other side of the door. There was nothing. No one. Just when I was about to turn around something shifted in the bathroom. I pushed the door open, begging that it wasn't Liliana inside. I couldn't help a sigh of relief as I spotted the man propped with his back against the bathtub. His eyes drifted up as he pressed both of his hands to his stomach. The gruesome sight made me sick still, I didn't feel sorry for the poor bastard even as he tried to keep his intestines from falling out of his stomach.

A throaty sound left his lips. It almost sounded like a cry and if I had a heart I might have put a bullet between his eyes, but this was my house and he didn't belong here. I turned away from him and shut the door so that his friends couldn't hear him. There wasn't anything they could do to help him anyways. He was a dead man. Just like them.

I wonder who got to him first, Enzo or Liliana? Just as I stepped into the hall the lights flickered before shutting off completely. They must have cut the power. It was going to be a whole lot harder to find them now.

I placed my palm on the wall and used it to guide me toward the steps. Moonlight slipped through the large windows by the front door, illuminating the bottom of the steps and half of the slipped through the large windows by the front door, illuminating the bottom of the steps and half of the foyer. As I made it to the bottom I lost my footing and tumbled to the cold floor. Something warm splashed against my cheek. I blinked, taking a breath before I put my hands to the ground and lifted myself enough to see what was underneath me.

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